You entered: I went over this guys house I like and the girl he was dating was there and in a series of events he ended up haveing way more fun with me like hugging me holding hands and just seemed a lot happy with me and stuff than having her there so in the end he broke up with her and started dating me but the girls hair was blonde not dark like her hair really is August 31, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was working at a daycare, but not my usual one, one I was filling in for. It was almost in a summer camp type setting. I was filling in for different lunch breaks, nothing particularly memorable going on. I was walking across the dirt parking lot after just talking with boss and a car was slowly approaching from the driveway entrance. There was a Muslim lady driving a dark brown Sudan, she also worked at the center. She looked to the right before entering the parking lot. I saw a child walking /running freely as if it were a summer camp and kids were roaming free run from somewhere and was to the left of the car. I put my arm up to point at the girl and yell at both to be careful, make sure they were aware of each other , but I could get my breath out in time and lady turned left running over the child. It was almost as if she got sucked under. I ran over, people had gathered , the Muslim/nikab wearing women was asking what to do, like back up and expose child or leave the car on top. I wasn't able to give an opinion before the lady backed the car up. I ran closer to the child and others did too. I wanted to help I yelled out to call 911 but they reached her before me and I said I'd call 911 and told them to help her.( I wanted to take charge, but backed down ) I run and I can't remember what I used to dial but when I'd dialled 911the numbers kept changing after I'd raise the device to my ear. Wasn't able to. I tried my cell and a computer. Eventually so frustrated I decided to run to a business of sorts where a male acquaintance was. He was an ex firefighter . As I ran over the driveway turned to stairs and the child laid motionless on the steps a couple sand toys near by. I asked an adult passerbyer why I they moved her body. They didn't know. No one was helping her but my mission was 911 so it didn't occur to me. Ran to this guys house..was really scared and anxious trying to explain I needed to call 911. He was helping someone when I got there I waited 2-3 seconds then interrupted , at first he got angry as if I was being rude, then was annoyed I didn't come in screaming a instead of waiting 2-3seconds to interrupt . He dials 911 for me and hands me the phone, I explain what happen and hang up. I feel emotionally exhausted at this point break down crying and keep going over images for this kid being run over. Venting to this ex- fireman. I do at this point realize that no one was with her on the steps and think I should have stayed to help and got someone else to call 911. I stay a little while ranting and crying while the man tries to consol me... As I head back to the daycare center I wonder if I should talke the Ativan from my purse. I worried I look too relaxed if I do and people will think I'm cold, but if I don't, I am having a hard time managing myself right now. I didn't make a decision, but I made it back to work and woke up. August 26, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Had a dream last night that I got an abortion.I am not pregnant and my tubes are tied.I never had an abortion or went with anyone when they my dream I remember the nurse,I remember the room,I remember the process.I remember the noises and the lights.I remember crying for my baby.I remember afterwards,the cramping the bleeding.everything was so real.when I woke up my hands were both clenched so tightly that I could barely move my fingers August 23, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
With my ex girlfriend we were going to college but when we got to the college it was a mall on the inside. Later we were at a party and everyone was drunk. She went to the bathroom and while I was waiting for her my friend was throwing up because she was so drunk. When she came back from the bathroom she was holding hands with her friend and I stopped talking to her when she confronted me she was saying it was nothing serious and then she said "isn't that your mom across the street?" August 22, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Its noon / evening. a friend cuts watermelon. im on my bike walking down the street with another girl, i get interrogated by a cop / police / agent about something, he's wearing really dark shades / sunglasses and has a gruff voice. i see my ex boyfriend riding a recumbent bicycle, with dark shades on and black hair blowing in the wind. i tell my friend and we set him up, she goes to talk to him and i follow behind, later coming to greet him and we go together to my old schoolyard / playground , these spirits start appearing and suddenly so does he. a chimera / anthropomorphic / hybrid creature appears, eclipsed by sunlight, a duck / goose and cow, who i can hear mooing in the distance. i need to stop eating animals / go vegetarian. i see a naked blonde woman pushed against a stone wall, looking as if she's mourning. a pair of giant hands come and nearly rip her apart. there are vast fields and farm land. i see women begin marching in in unison, all wearing the same uniform and they begin to chant. this feels like repentance. im taken to a room where only women are allowed, its a bath house, we each take turns sitting in a chair and getting cleansed. i go to put on my sandals, navy and blue, i accidentally put on the wrong ones and theyre too big / wrong size / not mine / dont fit, i try on the second pair and they fit just right, like theyre mine. theres water on the tiled floor. everyone is equal in this process, each person going through the steps. they all began chanting in unison, and i begun singing a song of my own September 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Stick figure with lantern standing behind yellow door,off-open, dark forest pick up by someone in a vehicle were drive through the forest, different paths, roadways, highways pass a truck, car, bus, then we started flying saw black figure they were witches flying a lot of them. I woke up in a strange place in a bed a witch try to give me potion to drink but I refused,a little girl creature was watching me, ask my name don't remember she said the witches wanted me to get married but I cry and say I did not want to it hurt. they were upset and call for the invisible creature men to appear to be seen by me. but they were complaining that if I did not want to get marry how can they make money off the cerromoney. I felt bad, I saw one black man ,handsome, six pack body, seem sure of himself sexually 3 creatures men very short, very puggy seem unsre of desire to please me, so I was left confused? please help! August 27, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw a guy friend of mine who I had feelings for hold hands and speak to the girl he's in a relationship with in real life. The girl was being really nice to me. As I watched them, my boyfriend was hurt by me watching their relationship. August 21, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis