Understand My Dreams

Dreams got out

I dreamt I was at the gym. People from school were there and immature boys who mocked me. I was by myself and wandered to an Olympic sized pool. I jumped in the pool with my clothes and shoes on. It felt freeing and I felt limitless and athletic. My eyes began to burn from my eye makeup running. I wiped it off and got out. I looked at my reflection. I let my socks and shoes dry than wondered into a wooden paneled room where my teacher was using a computer and talking to two girls. I observed them and he began to print out multiple, funny Valentine's Day cards and show them. They all laughed. I felt invisible.

I had a dream that I could transform into a tiger, and I got caught by my niebors. I would turn human and try to hop the fence, but was unable to. This happened many times. Then I got into one of thier cars and tried driving over the fence. I almost worked, and I tried getting over the fence with out succeeding. Then, I suppose I somehow got out, because I was a tiger running to this weird playground. There were hoops to run through and such. I transformed to human form and flew up to avoid the place. I used my hands to do so, and didn't get very high. Then I noticed I was being pursued by my friend Hayley. I tried to run the course, but couldn't get it right. Then she can't up to me and I quickly flew up. I was getting tired, and she called for our friend Greg to help her. I landed and started running to the end of the playground. I was very slow, and she was at her normal speed. Greg was only watching us, questioning if any of it was real. I tried flying again, but it didn't work. I finally got out and ran to my house. It was night, and my grandmother was pulling into the driveway. I hopped into the car and told her to drive me out of town, and I would walk back. She said she couldn't do that, and drove to the end of the street and turned around. We got out and it was pitch dark outside. I could see the big tree in the backyard swaying with the wind, and the stars were very bright. The street Gifts were all out and I ran inside. There was a giant jar of pocket change on the counter and I looked inside it and saw some gold. Then I looked out the window at the neighbors house (the ones who captured me) and they were watching me through thier window. After this, I woke up.

So in the dream I was at my brothers hockey game with a friend whose brother also plays hockey. The rink we were in had an arcade section in it so we went in there and started playing those car race game thingies. When we were done my friend got out of the seat and walked over to the crane to try to win something out of it. I turned around to see him sitting next to me on the other car seat thing. We played the game twice and I won both times then we both got up. He walked over to his friends and I kept getting really loud trying to get his attention. And looked over and talked for a few seconds (I don't remember what he yelled) and I woke up.

To make a long story short i had a lot of shoes in my dream i love shoes in real life...i live with my grandmother an for some reason in my dream i think it was a holiday maybe new years because a lot of loved ones were here an when some of us got in the car one of my friends was closing the car door an a white truck passed by but the truck almost hit the car door an the truck parked an a weird looking demon man got out an he was angry at us so i slammed my door an locked it and my friend soon did the same but we tried to drive away an he kept chasing us..at some point we came back to the house an me an my sister was laying on the floor in the living room with my nephew an i went to go look out the back door and i seen a lot of demons surrounding the house with torches and pitchforks saying some weird words..so i came back inside and locked all the doors and windows an my sisters friend started acting weird all of a sudden an i realized he was possessed then he tried to kill my nephew an i made him get out then i locked the door back and that's when i woke up

I was still half asleep lying in bed and i heard someone getting up. I looked at the clock and it was only 4:30am. So I got out of bed and looked to see who it was and it was my father, he was walking down the stairs. He opened the front door and left. I followed him and as I was standing at the door he was walking down the path. As he was walking down the path he was slowely disappearing into thin air. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and he was gone. I shouted for my mother but i got no answer. I was confused.

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