I am being chase by a friendly tiger, with people from my church. February 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that I could transform into a tiger, and I got caught by my niebors. I would turn human and try to hop the fence, but was unable to. This happened many times. Then I got into one of thier cars and tried driving over the fence. I almost worked, and I tried getting over the fence with out succeeding. Then, I suppose I somehow got out, because I was a tiger running to this weird playground. There were hoops to run through and such. I transformed to human form and flew up to avoid the place. I used my hands to do so, and didn't get very high. Then I noticed I was being pursued by my friend Hayley. I tried to run the course, but couldn't get it right. Then she can't up to me and I quickly flew up. I was getting tired, and she called for our friend Greg to help her. I landed and started running to the end of the playground. I was very slow, and she was at her normal speed. Greg was only watching us, questioning if any of it was real. I tried flying again, but it didn't work. I finally got out and ran to my house. It was night, and my grandmother was pulling into the driveway. I hopped into the car and told her to drive me out of town, and I would walk back. She said she couldn't do that, and drove to the end of the street and turned around. We got out and it was pitch dark outside. I could see the big tree in the backyard swaying with the wind, and the stars were very bright. The street Gifts were all out and I ran inside. There was a giant jar of pocket change on the counter and I looked inside it and saw some gold. Then I looked out the window at the neighbors house (the ones who captured me) and they were watching me through thier window. After this, I woke up. February 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in aback building and someone was with me. There was an old women sitting in a recliner and her jewelry was sitting on counter at a tellers window. I told her she should not leaf it there and some one came around a corner and told me to leaver her alone that she knew what she was doing. I felt indimidated. Then I felt like there're two womengoingaround shooting people. I did not see thmbut just felt like that was happening and they were coming after me and who was with me. I was up high looking down at one point and saw two big orange with black strips tigers and thought it odd they were there. The I was in a bedroom sitting on the bed and talking on the phone with a relative and two men run by and look at us and run out e front door.this makesme realize the two ladies are headed now towards us to shoots and we are trapped. Itoldtheperson on the phone to tell my mother I love her and layed the phone downand stood there trying to figure out what to do.theniwokeup and felt afraid. February 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
A striped black and brown tiger chase myself and a group of others. February 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am being chased by a friendly tiger, with people from my church. February 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a nice house with some family members and then i go in a room and I see three tiger cubs playing and they are beautiful and they come towards me playing and then i pick two of them up and they lick me and wanna play with me. And then i look down again and im in a kind of swamp and therrs snakes and i hold them up and save them taking me and them safely out of there... btw the snakes are sleeping and none wake up when i pass by them February 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My pet cat grows huge like a lion or tiger and tries to attack me n eat me. I try to get away with much difficulty February 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis