My dream about my crush and her boyfriend breaking up and i had sex with her but she thinks of like a brother in real life.
My ex boyfriend cheating on me with a girl in my neighbourhood but the girl is someone i have never seen in real life,a friend from my ex boy friend tells me this and i catch my ex and this girl in bed.i hit my ex boy friend till i kill him and his body parts can not be seen but only a part as small as a rat is left.
I was at an (American) football match as a cheerleader with a friend, when my ex, walked out onto the playing field. It was weird though, because he is European and does the other kind of football (soccer). In real life, I still love him, and it ended in a very confusing and painful way for both of us. He said he cared about me, but as we live in different countries, it just cannot be at this time. He also accused me of hiding things from him and that I somehow hurt him by betraying his trust in that way. He said he was asking himself if he really did know me. So it ended very sad.
He didn't see me and just walked past looking very unhappy, or angry...? I seem to somehow be happy however, even though in real life I am still hurting. But I point him out to my friend and tell her, 'That's him, isn't he beautiful?' My friend says, 'He's making kissy faces at you.' And I look and say, 'No, I don't even think he saw me, and that's just how his mouth goes.' Everyone was wearing red.
Suddenly, I find myself flying up and down in cities and showing off in front of people who look on amazed as I do the impossible. But then I realise that I am supposed to be somewhere. I am trying to get to the city where my ex lives but cannot seem to find the way. I am desperate to get to him. I stop and ask a man at a cafe, and he points over the ocean. 'I can't fly over the ocean' I say, 'I can't swim and it scares me. But if I go over land it will take too long.' Then I suddenly cannot fly. I'm becoming increasingly frantic trying to get to him. I then find myself in a house with strange people which seems to be back in my hometown, who have stolen my handbag which for some weird dream reason holds my ability to fly in it. So I'm really stuck. I meet a girl who admits to stealing it, but will not tell me where it is. I become so upset that I put my hands around her throat and say that I will stop at nothing to get to the person I love. Then I don't really remember how the rest played out before waking, but I'm pretty sure I was still lost and not getting to where I wanted.
I was with all of my friends and i went on a date with my best friends brother, i do not like him in real life but the date was planned for a while
I went to visit a man I met once in real life. He was in prison and my boyfriend in the dream.. l also took our daughter
I was at the party I saw in real life watching a cartoon movie, The Jungle Book 2 with a different ending to it. A girl called Shanti was grunting climbing a dead tree, and music was playing. everything in the jungle was on fire and there was dust and smoke everywhere. Everything was ruined and it looked all brown. The ground was dirty. A bear was throwing a toddler boy from hand to hand left to right and he was laughing and happy. Shanti looked disappointed and they were all trying to escape the jungle.
I was driving in the car with someone I didnt know in real life but was comfortable with in the dream, and we got lost and ended up on a broken road. I told the guy I was with that we only had one option and it was to drive off the road. There was no other traffic. When we drove off the road we landed safely in a town but the town was very strange, isolated and small. I remember feeling very creeped out. The town was very dark, and dingy. We went up to one cottage and asked for help but the person was very rude and said they did not have cars. We went to another little business and one guy told us there was only one person with a car, and it was the mail man but he only came once in awhile. We ended up stealing bikes and riding back to our town. and then i woke up but i remember being nervous we were going to be cause by the people we stole the bikes from
I wake up from a short nap and proceed to get ready for work. I leave my house and drive to work then proceed to do my job. Everything happens like it would in real life except that it is silent throughout.
The a guy that I wanted to date in my past showed up in my dream at my wedding rehearsal uninvited. He seemed comfortable being there. My fiancé and I ended up having a disagreement and we did not get married (we are married in real life). I was ashamed and embarrassed that we did not get married.
My dream started out with Mr.Krabs (from Spongebob) forcing spongebob and squidward to fish , through a gigantic whole that connected to the pacific ocean, to fish for his dollar, all of a sudden I was , what sort of felt like forcefully plunge into the water, there I was instantly swallowed by a large fish, I was then back in the water this time only to be greeted by a shark that was trying to attack me, while I was staring and trying to swim away from the shark , a spider continued to flash into my mind, I felt like that I had turned into the spider, It was a long black window and it was hanging from a web moving oddly, then all of a sudden, I was dropped into water, when I looked up I saw a dragon, I tried to swim down deeper but couldn't and was forced back up , where I was in shallow water, like a pool, but the dragon was still there and it was trying to attack me, I was then brought back into the ocean, somehow, and the shark , spider, dragon, and a fourth animal I am unable to remember came charging at me, I then "woke" up in my dream and I saw myself laying in bed kicking my feet as if trying to run , then I reached for a knife and with my eyes still closed I swung it around, still in my dream I watched myself wake up screaming my dogs name, and then I woke up in real life.