Understand My Dreams

Dreams my husband

I can't get home and I call my husband and he takes a long time to get there. He finally does and we have to get my car out of a very dark parking lot . I am sitting in the dark with people I don't know and can't see and two wild kittens. My husband finally finds my car and we have to pay to get it out. He pushes a bunch of cars out of the way he gives me the keys and he goes home. I start driving and I get lost and then I find I am drunk. I try to get help but I fall down a hole that get so narrow I get stuck. I call for help and then I woke up.

Me and my husband were outside a dark cave. Inside the cave were his bother, wife and son. We are Christians, and they have never made that decision to be born again. They were yelling some sort of something at us, that was supposed to have the name of Christ or "GOD" in it, but hey intentionally kept any hint of the word God or Christ out of it. We were shouting into the darkness of the cave, "You've kept out the name of God in what you say, you never even say "ENTITY", I was harassing them and arguing with them about it. On and on they would recite patiriotic things and would intentionally leave Christ our God out. Isn't there something in the bible about "shouting into the darkness?" To me, there was something to this dream, a hint of something God is trying to tell me.

Husband and girlfriend two houses across the street from each other across from the ocean one house is my childhood house the other is his girlfriend s house where she is with her family the ocean is where my husband and I used to walk after the girlfriend is exposed me and her family with my husband are at the house and jeans I go for a walk along the ocean and as we leave her families house he yells onto the house I love you me and my husband walk along the beach on the ocean I the water what does that mean

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