Got in a fist fight to the death with prince.
Cat fight
Fight with boyfriend
Verbal fight partner
People are trying to kill me but I always win by defeating them but I do get hurt. fighting for someone I love then I finley win them over. sex with someone I don't see. then living in a place that I cant tell what the year is and I know I dont
I have had this reoccurring dream about little blue men that start coming out of the Christmas tree. When you hit them they multiply. After a while of fight these men I find that the only was to kill them is by hitting them over the head with an ice tray. These little men are evil looking with sharp teeth and razor sharp nails.
Frequent dream about physically fighting my mother.
I beat up fighters in front of everyone
My dogs got loose and a larger dog came out of nowhere and attacked one of them. I tried to fight it off but it bit on to my leg and didn't let go
I dremt of three eales that where black and white sriped and 1 was snatched out of the water chewd up and spat out but whene it was spat back in to the water it was asperm and as it swame away it develapet in to a beautiful japenes fighting fish with beautiful long flowing fins