Understand My Dreams

Dreams college

It's my first day on college. My sister and some of my friends are with me, althought they don't go to the same college. They have all found their classroom and left me alone. I cn't find my own classroom and soon I get lost in the school. Soon I meet one of the professors, she tells me I'm a thief and that I brought everything I stole with me to the college. She shows me where I hid everything. Everything I stole filled and entire hallway. There were some stuff from ancient Egypt, ceramic bottles and paintings. Every professor in college was trying to clean up the mess I've made.

My father's girlfriend left him for My Ex-husband. My sister was my father's girlfriend 's best friend. I was angry. My mother was trying to calm me down, but very mad. I was with a light complexion male friend. He gave me his watch to use so that I can keep track of time. He then needed to use the phone to call different colleges. I attacked Miss Ella, called her a nasty bitch. I told her that she better pray that God have mercy on her soul. i put a curse on her. I told her that she's going to pay for this shit. My mother was trying to stop me but I couldn't be stopped. I turned to my sister and said cursed is the ground you walk on. I took my finger and poked her in the eye pushing her head backwards. My father was upstairs in the room and wouldn't come down. My mother was say that my father did the same thing to her. My Male friend told me that I can't focus on him because of all the mess around me.

Woke up and remembered a lot of my dream, this hasn't happened in months if not years. Broken pieces. I was exploring my old college, first I was with some asian girl wandering the halls, we went into a room which was playing a movie, it seemed like an asian-action movie with subtitles but it was near the end but we stayed to watch the final battle scene. Kind of sci-fi movie kind of like power-rangers/transformers. I'm then in the Athletics building and I am with Shawn Bartlette my old roommate and we say hi to my old boss, who doesn't seem to recognize me, I say my name and Shawn's and then I'm showing my Alumni ID which doesn't exist in real life, to the girl at the front desk. Next I'm returning a pillow to the athletics office that belongs to the hockey team but I cannot remember where my old coach's office is. None of the staff are recognizable. Next I'm heading down the stairs of my old college's gymnasium where a volleyball practice is beginning and we head into the fieldhouse where I run into a huge crowd, there are 4 guys I played with and we all shake hands and are pumped to see each other. Then I'm outside of a convenience store getting out of a car with my ex- girlfriend . There are 2 weird older guys on bikes kind of creeping, they may or may not have gone inside with my ex. I try to lock the door to the car and then begin to head inside but then there is a guy who goes up to the car to see if its locked and I give him my piece of mind. It isn't locked and he opens it and grabs the Ipod that is in there and just leaves it, the whole time I'm giving him the gears. He looks like a guy that walks down my street from time to time sauntering to 7-11. He explains he was just showing me the door was unlocked and wanted to lock it and asks why I am giving him a hard time, we banter back and forth. I apologize. Then the ex- girlfriend is there again and we talk, I have the sense in the dream that I've been in this conversation before, towards the end of the relationship, we are feeling odd about the two creepers on bikes that may or may not have been in the store, then she says something like “I guess I gotta get you home mister” and I take offence to this like why is she brushing me off and I finally say fine, “I'll just walk” I don't say goodbye I just start walking, a joint that we were going to smoke is in my pocket and I'm fiddling with it and then it kind of falls apart in my hand. I don't look back to see if she leaves but I recall worrying about the two guys on the bikes. As I'm walking through the parking lot it seems like it is now winter and a pack of dogs, big furry, winter-like dogs are ripping around the buildings. 5-7 of them. I remember thinking, those dogs are wild and not collared but I am not nervous. Then I wonder what I should do about these dogs, they can't be left out there alone. They all frolick and bounce around me in the snow and are walking with me. Then I wake up.

It started out with me and my long term ex girlfriend in a kitchen together, talking and possibly making food. We were then about to get into a bed but i found myself walking down some stairs, into a street and meeting with a number of people i don't know but was friendly with. I was then walking down a street, bumping into an organization of people. I then found myself inside a the lobby of a hotel, staring at a laptop and phone charger. I needed the charger and after talking to a member of the organization that had appeared earlier, a voice told me to take it, which i did. The owner, who was an member of staff from my old college, came and stopped me. I then appeared to wake up. I looked over at my laptop and it was smashed. I got out of bed and tried to get out of my room but began to fall backwards slowly, sinking into the ground. I was now walking down a street. I stopped in a town square and felt one of my teeth come out. I told a friend who had appeared next to me what had happened.

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