Understand My Dreams

Dreams real life

I am a sixteen year old boy who lives with his mother during the week and father every other weekend. Last night I dreamed that I was living in my dad's house, and more than that I woke up married to a girl my age, but whom I did not know, either in the dream or in real life. She was a good wife and we loved each other, though we were still growing to know each other. I was living with my two best friends as well as my wife and father, and they made her feel as if she didn't belong there with us. Eventually we had a child, no pregnancy or anything of the sort, a child just appeared and we both, somehow, knew it was ours. I remember writing to my real-life pen pal explaining that she was a good wife. We had formed a kind of bond that marriage is supposed to have in that we took care of each other. There was no sex or fighting, just two people learning to love each other and coexist.

My mother passed away a few months ago an i had a dream an this is what is was . it was in the afternoon where i was in my home an i see my father an uncle in the kitchen an decide to go an there were getting ready to go to a house party an i had a liqour bottle in my hand an notice my mother waling in my house into the kitchen grabbed the bottle an drank it an put it up an the walked away with her eyes close an not saying a word an sat in a chair infront of my house an looked like she was sleeping she didnt answer me i was worried i went next door to a friend an asked her for help an she said she is sick an i called my sister inlaw an asked her where is she she need to pick up my mother she need to go to the hospital an she said you need to hang an wait im on my way but kinda rude an i hung up an touched my mother an tried to wake her up an a nurse was behind me saying the police is comeing cause we didnt take care of her. but in real life i did i tryed but it was to late

At first, a group of boys, from a church, apparently. They were searching something, me included. Behinf us, there was a forest, just as ahead. We were on a roughly rectangular clair. We tried to enter the forest ahead, which was full of thin trees. There was a nun, our caretaker. She was near a...tree. It was light colored and full of sections of "spikes", long and tbular, with flat tips. "You are the Lord's spikes" She said. We got really annoyed, since we were busy. There was a fight. One group wanted to explore south, and other one, north, I was on the side wanting to go north, since I had a map and that is where it pointed. They went south anyways. Weirdly, the map showed they walking. They arrived at the place I knew it was a beach, even if it wasn't shown on the map. There were names of unknown, dangerous islands on it, We called for them. After that, I was alone in the dream, going north. There were no longer forests, but plains with light green grass, with trees growing here and there. I found a full armor set, red, made out of copper, with protusions on some places. It was forgotten for the rest of the dream. I found a dog, tiny and brown, pretty much like my real life dog. There was a guillotine. Big, dangerous. Near it, a chest. A little further away, another one. I noticed that going near a chest made my dog go near the guillotine, so I deduced it was a trap. I went away, pondering whether I should try the further away chest, probably not connected to the trap. I pressed "E" to open the inventory. When I closed it, the dog had been beheaded and the chests were now signs with the reading: "Life is ------" I don't remember the last word. There was a beach. Not shown in the map, either, but beautiful. White sand near the short grass. This is where the dream ends, near the beach with unknown islands on the map.

It started out with me at a party, and then skipped ahead to me getting into a car with some strangers. We kinda became friends and went to a haunted house together. Then I remembered that I needed to get home to my little brother. So I left and walked home to where my little brother was (which I do not have a little brother in real life). Our dad was out so I had to babysit. He kept going out into our back yard where there was this creepy old shed. In the shed there was a mower and other yard tools there were a few sharp objects hanging around. Well my brother and I, for some reason, were trying to get something out of the shed. When my brother went in I heard screaming and ran outside to see what was wrong. There was a white face in the window with wild red hair. It was a demon. I ran into the shed and fought to get my brother out. I was climbing to the top of the shed to get something from off the shelf when I heard a noise.. There was an old tux hanging up in the shed and all the sudden my brother was wearing it. He started walking out of the shed all weird like. So I ran after him. I knew he was possessed. So when I got to him I spun him around grabbed him by his elbows and commanded that the demon leave him in the name of Jesus Christ. My brother then went limp in my arms. After a few seconds he woke up and was fine. For some reason I left my shirt in the shed and felt that I needed to get it. When I walked back to the shed to get it I heard my brother scream "NO! HE"S STILL THERE!" I looked threw the window and there was that demon. I started walking into the door and looked around to see if he was still there but he wasnt. I then turned around and took my brother to my room told him to pack because we were leaving and staying somewhere else that night.

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