I was in my desk in class. I noticed blood on my hands and i started to quietly freak out. My ex, who sits next to me in class, tried to calm me down by talking to me. By that time my teacher noticed and came to see what was wrong. When she got to my desk, I swung my arm in her direction and cut her cheek, leaving more blood on my right hand. Right after that a white liquid flowed out of my left eye, my nose, and my mouth. the liquid formed a white, blank mask around my face that only had two eye holes. Once i felt the mask on my face, my eyes bled black and turned black. In the dream I have no memory of what happened until my eyes turned back to their usual color. At that point, I tried taking the mask off, but couldn't. I noticed my hands had even more blood on them than before. Once i noticed that, the mask fell to the floor and broke on impact. I looked around the room and everyone was gone and the room was destroyed other than where i stood. August 30, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I pierced my nose bridge and then forced a rod through which caused pain and excessive bleeding. I pulled it out, covered in blood, and looked for a smaller rod to put through,but could not find one. August 22, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I pierced the bridge of my nose and then forced a rod through which caused pain and excessive bleeding. I pulled it out, covered in blood, and looked for a smaller rod to put through,but could not find one. August 22, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
It was a sunny day. I felt my body being walked over by two men dressed in black. They did not know one another. I knew then that I was in my own grave but I could feel my body being walked on. The men were thin with long noses. August 30, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I have had a similar dream twice. In the first dream I was travelling on a trans-Atlantic flight with by best friend. (We were traveling abroad at the time in reality). In the dream the plane hit severe turbulence, stalled, and started to nose dive. But before we crashed the pilots managed to regain control. But this repeated a few times. Then the pilots over corrected and ended up doing a complete loop (backflip) in a jumbo jet. After this I began a chant on the plane for the pilots to land the plane. Which they did and safely. In the second dream, about 2mos later, I was again flying with the same friend. Only this time it was a much smaller plane, it was daytime and the ground was always visible. (Unlike the first dream that was at night and high altitude, all I could see was clouds out the window). But again the plane hit turbulence, stalled and began to nosedive. And again at the last minute the pilot would recover control time and again. And also in the dream I remember the plane going upside down. I don't remember landing in this dream August 26, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I pierced the bridge of my nose and then forced a metal rod through which caused pain and excessive bleeding. I pulled it out, covered in blood, and looked for a smaller rod to put through,but could not find one. August 22, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis