I dreamt of my grandmother that died many years ago, in my gdream she was sitting in a chair and i walked to her and asked her was this little girl that was in my dream my daughter she told me the girl has my eyes i start crying laying on my grandmother lap while she was rubbing my hair comforting me August 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream of my grandmother she passed away many years ago she was in my dream sitting down in a chair n i went to her layed on her lapp and was crying what does that mean August 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
The dream starts out in my house. There is my mother and sister on the couch and the light is on. Then the dream changes. Now I'm in a bedroom which seems like the attic. I'm lying in this bed, my sister is in it with me and my grandfather too. My grand ma is sitting in a chair at the end where my grand pa is. My grandpa is lying on his stomach and starts turning and moving all over the bed. We figure he's dying and I think that if I died I wanna die with god the last thing on my mind. So grandpa is still tossing and turning and I keep saying that he looks peaceful and then he dies and then the number 70 pops into my mind because god promised to give 70 years. Then it's like he disappeared and where back in the room. This time l'm asleep and sister wakes me up so seems evil and keeps trying to take all the space on the bed. Then the dream shifts to these girls it's summer and there having fun riding there bikes. There in the street in the middle part between the yellow lines and the concrete in their path is making the area the tires can sqeeze through smaller and smaller. Next it's this mini cliff in there way so they jump down it with there bikes. Again there going down the street then a mad men with a gun with a ski mask all dressed in black starts shooting at time with a machine gun. I see them trying to get away and I notice one girl gets shot in the back then the dream shifts again. Now I'm back in middle school but I'm still the same age and which is high school age and I walk in there wearing different clothes then everbody else. My shirt was red then one of my old classmates makes fun of me and says he bets that I can't even spell the word dynamite. Then I get a dictionary and on my way I notice this couple at a table there studying or something. Then the dream shifts to the news. The reporter says that there are different gods and dreams that they give you are long and lengthy and you have to choose which one to believe. August 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Okay. So I walked into my grandpa's house. He died recently in real life. and he always sat in the same chair when we came to visit. and when i walked inside I saw him, and I kept walking through the house. Then, suddenly i realized what I had just seen. I ran back into the room where I had seen him and he was standing waiting for me. I embraced him and I started crying. I was so happy to see him. then as i started to walk through the house with him, i stumbled upon my mom. I was so excited to tell her what I had discovered. Grandpa was alive again! or at least visiting us from heaven. but this part of the dream gets a little fuzzy- Somehow as I'm telling my mom about grandpa, grandpa turns into my dad. and we're talking about my dad. talking about how my dad and mom met and got married and what not. Then i woke up. August 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My ex was in my house and we fell asleep on a chair and during the night got very close and our hands ended up touching August 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a public park living rough but running dance practices. I had all my stuff around me in boxes and my car was parked under some trees. Even though I was living rough I had this thought that I could just go home. During the dance practice a group of men came into the park. They were criminals. I exchanged pleasantries with one of them and then he stubbed out his cigarette on my left arm. I didn't make a noise and he said he was impressed. They then disappeared. There were two women with me and one of them smoked. She laid on top of me and asked for money for cigarettes but I said I didn't have any. A group of people walked into the park carrying beach tows and deck chairs. i stood up and said where's my car. I ran to the bank of the pond and saw my car floating away. I shouted and tried to get it but the pond turned into a lake and the car was further away I ran along the bank and the lake turned into the sea and my was very far away banging against rocks as it floated out to sea July 31, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Seeing deceased grandfather alive and sitting in a chair crying but does not talk to me July 31, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Me, my family and other people were standing at a bus stop when two men walked up and began shooting towards everyone there. Everyone began to run. We found a safe place in a building but these two men found us and pulled open the door. When the door was pulled open, I ran and as I ran I was shot twice in the lower back, I saw two other men standing in front of me pointing guns but the two men behild me shot me first. I started to crawl when I saw my niece's husband sitting in a chair, who was shot. Dead. I tried crawling towards him. August 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Siting on a rocking chair and feeding my new born baby while demonds watch August 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Siting on a rocking chair while feeding my new born son and demonds watching me August 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis