I was reading a will in the bank. we go into the dinning room to read the will. I had to move flower vases off the table. I then has advice from a person who was not there and the message in the will was a jigsaw and the pieces made the image of the fox. as a realised this water started flowing from the vases like a water fall.
I dreamed I had my husband's wallet and my wallet in my hands as I walked out the door ro go get something to eat. Instead of me using our money I stole someone else's. After stealing, I later realized I was caught on camera. I went into my vice president's office and he said he had to let me go due to being caught on video stealing. Instead of calling me a person, he called me an it.
I moved into one of the apartments that my grandmother had lived in as we were unpacking and bring stuff in the phone started ringing we had no service yet but i answered it anyway the lady on the other end says donna this is grammy i said your dead and hung up
Church service with women wearing veils
I see old people giving me advices
I dreamed that I was at a foot washing service and someone was kneeling down to wash mines
I was pregnant look forward to the baby got advice from mothers went into labour and headand tail of baby pierced threw my belly and prematurely gave birth to a snake. after giving birth i had to decide whether to keep the baby or terminate it. i prayed for god to heal the baby and thought the right thing to do was let it live
Electronic devices
Being in a church service and helping as an alter server like I used to about 10 years ago. It was a bit rushed and I felt a bit of pressure to get things right.