I dreamt that my daughter was lying on the ground in front of me and smiling at me as if she fell and was laughing about it. Then I saw an old school acquaintance he was running but he didn't see my daughter on the ground and he stepped on her chest and kept running. I can see that my daughter was in pain and i looked to see if this acquaintance of mine noticed and he turned back to smile at me. March 19, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that i was in the TV show, Supernatural. I was with Sam Winchester and we were searching for this big, ginger flatfaced cat. so anyway, we found where it was. it turned out that the cat was possessed by the soul of a teenaged girl who had died in the search for her missing boyfriend . we had to try and perform an exorcism on the cat but the cat was smart. March 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreams of getting shot in the chest and still alive with no blood March 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was on a familiar road with 2 people i dont no a younger women who wore all white her hair was white n her eyes where bright and an older man who wore all white but had a dark really long beard i was wondering calmly down a street looking for something but i dont no what n the two people whispered to me what happened to your chest wen i looked down my clothes were like holey n riped n i had a huge cut on my chest and i waa bleeding than i can to an alley that had puddles of murky water like it rained and at the end of the ally was my husband whi died 5 yrs ago n he gave me a really mean look pointed his finger at me n angrily said what the hell are u doing go home u have it good there than as i woke up i was gaspin for air n it felt almost like i had died n somebody was giving me mouth to mouth n puttin my breath back into me March 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in math class when my former crush kellie walked in with mathbooks held to her chest. The teacher Mr. Marquez said something that made her laugh even though he wasn't there. When I exit the classroom I see silver dragons. They are destroying the world. I can only see one person. Its Kellie . She runs away from me after saying only one word: "no" March 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in math class when my former crush walked in with mathbooks held to her chest. The teacher said something that made her laugh even though he wasn't there. When I exit the classroom I see silver dragons. They are destroying the world. I can only see one person. Its my former crush. She runs away from me after saying only one word: "no" March 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis