Understand My Dreams

Dreams chest

I was on a familiar road with 2 people i dont no a younger women who wore all white her hair was white n her eyes where bright and an older man who wore all white but had a dark really long beard i was wondering calmly down a street looking for something but i dont no what n the two people whispered to me what happened to your chest wen i looked down my clothes were like holey n riped n i had a huge cut on my chest and i waa bleeding than i can to an alley that had puddles of murky water like it rained and at the end of the ally was my husband whi died 5 yrs ago n he gave me a really mean look pointed his finger at me n angrily said what the hell are u doing go home u have it good there than as i woke up i was gaspin for air n it felt almost like i had died n somebody was giving me mouth to mouth n puttin my breath back into me

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