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Dreams quest

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It started off with me in my sculpture class in highschool (freshman year like i am now) and this lesbian girl was yelling at another girl saying something like "You don't actually like me, you just like me because you think i'm hot.. your friends told me" So the bell rang and i was walking down the hall and the lesbian girl (Courtney) she purposely pushed me next to a wall with her shoulder (shoulder to shoulder) she just kept looking forward down the hall while people passed us. I looked up at her and started smiling, I was just taking in how beautiful she is. She looked down at me in the corner of her eye and smirked. The scene setting transformed into a game room and we had to get into this car to play the game, I got in the car (for some weird reason (Big fan) marilyn manson was briefly shown sitting next to someone but the game instructor said that there wasn't enough room so he left while laughing) So Courtney sat next to me and she transformed into this really cute blonde girl with short hair and light colored layered clothes, she was pale with dazzling blue eyes and a beautiful smile with straight white teeth. The setting transformed to the front stair steps of my house. The girl was standing beside me and i was blushing because i really liked her, she got close to my ear and said "Are you confused on love and who you are?" then she transported to the top stair leading to the open door to my house "Or is it a Lesbian love?" she said the words exaggerated and laughed with her cute smile and transported over to me with her arms around my neck and she looked into my eyes and closed them and then moved in to kiss me. I felt her soft lips on mine and my heart just fluttered. My mom showed up in the door looking at me with a weird look (she doesn't know i'm lesbian in real life) but before my mom could see anything the girl transported a few feet away, acting as if she was just a casual friend. and for some reason my ex- best friend showed up next to her acting as if she was my friend again and was smiling at me. My mom went back inside the house and (the blonde, i'll call her Missy) Missy transported right back to me and hugged me tight around my waist and kissed me again and said "if your mom ever pops back out like that then, just blow me a kiss instead to show me that you still love me" and then she demonstrated and i blew a kiss at her and my ex-best friend. My mom popped back out again with a disapproving look but she had no idea what she was suppose to be disapproving of since Missy transported a few feet away again. I blew Missy a kiss when my mom wasn't looking directly at me. It started snowing lightly and my mom went back in the house and i went back to Missy to kiss her again willingly and we both looked at each other. She looked at me with such love in her eyes while smiling. All of a sudden we transported under water where she gave me two cactus cores (if that is even a thing) and told me to plant them in the ground to see the difference in them when they grow. both the cactuses grew quickly (We weren't even wearing scuba outfits , we were just standing underwater and breathing normally without any special aid of a safety devices) One cactus had flowers all over it and the other was just a plain cactus. She said that in order for the cactus to bloom it's flowers we had to "jutt at it" .... basically we had to hump it LOL it was weird. I'm sure it was saying something like 'to make the flowers bloom you must act like you are having sex with the cactus so that it lets the flowers open and bloom.' i don't know i was really weird. So after that i saw a huge black wavy force push me closer to the cactuses and the needles of the cactuses were hurting me so bad that... I woke up (BEFORE that, underwater... pass the cactuses i saw a duck under water just standing there... and it was pale ish tan... one solid color... it kind of just looked like a small statue) (also there were some old pictures that showed up in the dream that i kind of recognized of myself and other people i know. And in one part if the dream i was back in 5th grade in my science class sitting there and saw different students around me that i didn't know. and MY fifth grade teacher was teaching and no one raised their hand to answer questions even though the teacher pleaded "come on guys, you know this stuff" she seemed nicer than she did when i was in her class (5th grade science) but for some reason i had my 7th grade schedule.)

I stabbed a stranger, I don’t remember why but he was in our yard. I killed him and I felt it, I felt his blood splatter my face, the warmth as I stabbed and stabbed and ripped open his chest. My husband was with me, not stopping me nor helping, Just watching me. I dragged his body over the lawn of this beautiful house I do not live in but I sort of did you know? The grass was freshly cut and covered in dew, even though it was midday in summer, It wasn't hot. It wasn't cold enough for dew either. I put him in the garden shed, He was dead by now. I went along and cleaned the grass off, not with a hose but endless tissues as if it were fine carpet. My older sister, which I don't have comes home. Her husband and her kids all have no faces, Just black. Daughter 3, Brown curls and pigtails. Son unknown, I saw nothing. Husband roughly 40, Dark hair. My older sister was a short, stumpy fat blonde, I have seen her before, I know this because she had a face. My husband and I were in our room, Which looked more like the intensive care unit in the Mental Health section of the hospital, It was empty and dark but I knew it was white. My sister walked in she brought sudden light to the room and asked me how I was. I told her good but she wasn’t satisfied and continued to ask questions, but the one thing she didn’t ask about and that I was sure she would, was why there is blood all over me. Was this a normal look for me? I told her, I told her how I killed a man and he was in the back shed, No one particularly cared except my sister, not even the children. She was so shocked, she asked me for the weapon and I had forgotten what I had used. Turns out it was some old dagger with what looked to be a big chicken bone as the handle, strange. I ended up stabbing her to death after catching a glimpse of the weapon. No one was bothered by my second killing, I suppose she did look like a nagging twat. My husband was known for the bad things he had done in the past, He has a reputation around here, He killed a man with his own two hands, He went to jail and broke out, disappeared for ten years, Turns out he was on the other side of the world working in a kitchen, Not a regular kitchen. drugs. He spoke for the first time that day and simply said for me to “Stop it”. “There’s already two dead, what’s left to stop”? I said to him tauntingly “I’m calling the police and you aren't going anywhere”. He shouted I continued to explain how bad this could look for him also, I cut my arm with the weapon and smashed a beautiful vase across my head and proceeded to hug him transferring most of the blood and slipping the knife into his pocket. I pulled out the cell and dialed for the police, I told them my husband was trying to kill me and he was already killed two, gave them the address and hung up. I kissed him and walked out of the house laughing hysterically.

I was in a car with my friend she the one driving we were going to school she owns the car.suddenly she can nt control the car again,l jump out of the car and found myself in another state,l saw police men in their checking point l ask them if they saw any car pass with speed they said no,one of them decied to follow me to look around,l saw another checking point l ask the police men l ask them same question they said yes they direct me to go straight that they pray we meet her alive that is a bridge at the end of the raod that l pray the car as nt fall into the big river we went there and saw alive outthe car.

I was standing with my friends watching a movie, the light was dimmed and there was tom who i knew standing to the side, he then called his friend nick who used to fancy me, but before he could speak to me i walked out of the room. i felt frustrated that he still liked me and that he didnt just give up, i may have been a bit rude but that is how i felt. i walked into a modern library made of wood, the lighting was light yet there were no windows. in the centre there was a balcony that overlooked the floor below. i stood and looked over the edge and that was when i saw a body of a boy being carried by 4 other boys. i didnt know whether he was dead or alive. they were carring the boy towards where i stood and that was when i recocnised one of the boys carring the unconcious boy. it was somone i have know for years and have always cared for him, i had moved away and haddnt seen him for years and he never knew how i felt. they walked past me and he saw me, i then started to walk towards the staircase from where they had come from. i turned back to see him and he was looking at me again. i then felt happy, i thought he might have remembered his feelings for me. i ran down the stairs to a large almost empty room with a light marble floor. light was coming from above. my teacher came up to me and asked to talk to me. we walked half way up a low wide staircase and sat down on the steps. then the boy who saw me appeared wearing a bold green rain coat and knelt down infront of us. he said to my teacher "sorry but i would like to speak to catherine" he then turned to me and said-"would you like to speak to me?" i knew what he meant. he meant 'do you still love me?'. to answer both his questions i said " yes please" i said it as if i were pleading. he then gave a sigh of relief and turned to my teacher, they started talking about our story, how he had always loved me. i couldn't hear much because i was still in shock with what just happened. i then slowly took his hand while he was talking to my teacher. i held his hand and lightly touched his finger tips. he smiled but kept talking to the teacher. we later walked off

In my dream I'm drunk, and I'm with all my closest friends, we are going partying, and we're looking for a place to party, we end up going to a huge party that's in a place a 15 minute drive from my house, and since I know the new destination is rowdy, I don't want to get fought, so the girl hosting the party tells me she will get me a big strong guy to escort me around the party so no one tries to fight me, and we end up really liking each other, so I end up going inside to meet his parents,then I do and they really like me, so I end up ditching the party outside and spending time with this big, strong, sexy, bad-boy, who is also the girl hosting the parties brother, and we go to his room and have really awesome sex, and he says your all mine now, claiming myself as his girlfriend and he tries to give me a hickey so no guy can try take me, but the only thing is he doesn't know, is that I already have a boyfriend , my real life boyfriend , so I am cheating on my boyfriend , and this new guy I met at the party, so when me and the new boyfriend are sitting around a fire at the beach in the sand with my friends watching the shooting stars and northern lights, realizing what I just did, I question is this really a dream, because I really do love my real boyfriend and I don't want to be with the new one I picked up at the party, so when all of us left the beach back to his house, I just wanted to go and be back with my real boyfriend and leave the new one I just picked up at the party, so when we got back to the new boyfriend s house,I left my best friend there to go to bed with the new boyfriend , and I went looking for my real boyfriend , on the way out I felt so confused, not knowing if I did the right thing or not, and I caught a ride back home with my other friends and tried looking for my real boyfriend .

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