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Dreams number

Found 830 dreams containing number - Page 32

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I had a dream about my field hockey team and myself playing in this big playoff game that if we win would send us into the championship game for sectionals. My dream picked up with the team in overtime and it was still scoreless with only two minutes left to play. My team did not have control of the ball and it looked as if the other team was going to score, they were putting pressure on the defense and a frenzy was starting around the goal. I came back from playing forward to help out the defense and the ball was finally cleared away from the net just when the buzzer sounded. Everyone stood around in shock wondering what will happen next since there was no score and this was a playoff game. Is there another overtime play or a shootout? The referees met in the middle of the field and called the captains over from both teams to discuss what would happen next. Our captains came running back to the bench to tell the coach and the team that we were going into a shootout. Each team had to select 5 players. I was selected by my coach to be the fifth and last shooter. Each team had to remain on the sidelines while the shooters met with the refs on the field and reviewed the rules of the shootout. All the fans were standing on the sidelines holding their breaths as the first shooter went from the other team. Our goalie made a fantastic stop and now we alternated and our first shooter goes and misses. This keeps going with no one scoring from each team. Finally the fifth shooter from the other team is up and she is their number one player who has a powerful slapshot. She dribbles up and tries to do a fake move on our goalie but she choked and out goalie made a fantastic stop! Now it was my turn as I try to jump up and down to shake the nerves away. I have 10 seconds to score and the ref signals me to begin. There was not a sound around except for the beating of my heart which was so loud I thought everyone could hear it. I started towards the goalie dribbling the ball. I deked to the right and moved to the left. The goalie dove to the ground anticipating my shot to block it but instead as she dropped down I flicked it up over her and the ball soared into the net…..GOAL!! All of a sudden the refs signaled the game was over, we were the winners and the whole team came running from the sidelines screaming and jumping on me like a dog pile. Next thing I see in my dream is myself standing on the field brushing myself off and looking around, not seeing the fans or parents, but seeing college coaches standing around with clip boards taking down a lot of notes and some even talking to my coach. My coach looked over at me and smiled then continued taking to a recruiter. Next thing I knew it was time to wake up and get ready for school.

There was a massacre at a local beach over night. The Killing was of 50 men and women, on separate sides of the beach. They were dressed in red pants and no shirts, but the women had red training bras on, well most. This was shown on the news as they examine the people most had lacerations and some had body parts missing. About half of both the men and women were dead and cut up into pieces. The beach was covered in blood and the water was pitch black, most of the blood already draining into it. After watching the news, the, almost what seems to look like a small town, everyone was in hysterics. At a high school, all students sat in the gym with three girls at the vary front, where two men stood with an old television in between them, while one held a tape. The three girls on my dream are obviously based off myself, and two of my friends. The men started to talk about the massacre and then put the tape in. Sowing the evidence to the school of what it looked like there how all the people looked. Small details like; some had chains attached to there hands and legs, some looked mutated with bulging eyes or a large bulge in the stomach, even foaming at the mouth. After the brief presentation, the one attractive man at the front came to speak to the girls at the front. He asked if any family was part of this, if we knew anyone involved, and if we are okay(mentally). He then proceeded to flirt with the young women in the middle(based off myself) and ask for her number. She, as a fool, gave him her number and then the rest of the school including them selfs went on with a long day of school and grieving. After school/collage the main character went home with a friend and then came in the man from this morning(now he must only be in his twenties, while the girl is just turning nineteen) he asked if she wanted a ride home. Once again proving dumb, she said yes. They got home and her friend left and the girl asked the man inside, he didn't hesitate in saying yes to her. After a few minuets of chatting and flirting, they started heavenly kiss. This is when she noticed he had a knife, and felt in danger. He gave her a sly smile. She continued to kiss and feel him up for anything else on him. That's when he pulled away. He now had the knife fully out in the open. She tried to ignore it and pretend she was only looking in his eyes(her eyes are a very dark brown) which worked. She started to play around with him in order to try and plan a way out. They started another heated make out session as she pulled his shirt off, he pushed her down on the couch and asked for something that helped her think up her plan. Right then she got up said come on I'm not doing it here. And walked to her room letting him go first, right then as he walked past her something stabbed her had and it wasn't his knife, it was too small and slender. She then proceeded to fallow him to her room and walked in, closing the door to continue looking natural. He saw her art kit and asked if he could check it out quickly, as he did she ran out of the room locking him in and running out the door. She started to feel a haze come over her as she hid behind her neighbours boat in their driveway. The haze took over and she passed out. End of dream.

I was at a place like the mall at the riverwalk in san antonio- only it wasnt there exactly. Jennifer was going to come to one of my big italian family dinners with me for her birthday later in the day. And then I went down this escalator into the water which had a very strong current. I started swimming, not like a human but more like an otter or beaver. When I surfaced, the current was still strong but there were people around me. This tall blonde guy pulled me up onto his kickboard with him. He was funny and we started talking. His name was John Wayne. I stayed in the water with him for a really long time before realizing that I had to get out and get jennifer to get to dinner so we parted ways and even though I didnt think it was right because of matt, I gave him my number. It took me 4 tries to write it out right but it finally happened. I got out of the water and was at this weird insane asylum on a hill people were outside and stuff everywhere. I knew my car was in one of the parking lots and while I was going to try to find it, I checked two that looked like it but werent it, this crazy guy came and started tearing at my clothes I curled into the fetal position and then all of the sudden the pulling and tearing stopped and I looked up and it was John Wayne and he had protected me He helped me find my car and begged me not to leave but I had to. And before I went he kissed me. And I could really feel the kiss. It wasnt like any that Ive had in real life- which threw me off-- so when I got into my car, it instead was a ship set up. A land ship And I started trying to pilot my land ship, but the pillow I had to use as the steering wheel didnt have any rotation buttons. I started careening down the highway in this ship, not able to steer. A toll booth was coming up. I missed one collision and somehow dodged through the booth with my body weight as a directive force instead of the steering mechanism I found jennifer on a hill and started to walk down the hill with her towards where family dinner was going to be, leaves were falling all around. And my heart was breaking because of the thought of john wayne and knowing what impact meeting him had on me

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