Dreaming of my ex girlfriend . But, the face is not hers its a different woman
I had a dream my ex girlfriend was pregnant?
I was locked in a prison and there were other prisoners there who were dressed as zombies for a game show I escaped from the prison several times using chop sticks and I killed a lizard that sprayed venom and rescued some dogs before I tried to escape the last time and and then I learned to play the beat box harmonica with auto tune while singing and my ex girlfriend was there also there was a bathroom with a revolving door and security guards and there was a sexy brunette who turned into a demon and a blonde that I had sex with woo was captain of the guard
Kissing my ex girlfriend underwater
I was in a room with a bunch of women, i was spinning around with my arms out and they were all going crazy for me, reaching out to touch me, going wild. my ex girlfriend appeared in my dream, she walked past the door to the room and saw me, she walked in and i was suddenly sitting down, it appeared as if she was teary eyed and screamed at me "so what do you want!?" asking if i wanted to get back together, i looked down to the floor and said "no" and the dream ended.
I dreamt my ex girlfriend was getting married. i was very upset. this seemed illogical and sudden. she called me to tell me but when i picked up the phone she said nothing on the other line and i said, "i hope you have a beautiful day", despite being heart broken.
I was locked in a prison and there were other prisoners there who were dressed as zombies for a game show I escaped from the prison several times using chop sticks and I killed a lizard that sprayed venom and rescued some dogs before I tried to escape the last time and then I learned to play the beat box harmonica with auto tune while singing and my ex girlfriend was there
I was walking home from a football game and i saw my ex girlfriend thatt i still love across the street so i called her over to me and we were talking and i told her to wait for me because i had to go get tissue for my nose and i came back and she was gone