Understand My Dreams

Dreams hair

•Hiding behind a wall •cute guy and some girl were flirting •walking on nets and someone said I looked like I was dancing •couple were talking about me and saying I was hairy •I walked up to them and confronted them and they cornered me and said I'm ugly and have bad acne •while I was looking at the girl I noticed her makeup job was terrible * I acted like I didn't care and told them are they gonna keep talking cause I don't care * My friend pulled me away (Can't remember what else happens) •thought I was dreaming but noticed everything really happened and felt emotional and sad * was sitting at a table when a group of guys were sitting at another and noticed the cute guy talking to his friends about me and calling me ugly and my God brother was there * A guy asked if he wanted his cousin to fight me * My God brother just kept looking at me like he knew they were talking about me (I woke up feeling sad)

I dreamed that I was in rittas(exs grandma) house.  I was in a chair facing away from the table and jesse(ex) was facing me.  He flinched toward me.  I told him to watch it because he almost hit me in the face.  He gave me a look like maybe that is what he was trying to do.  Then said would so would that be so bad? I started shuffling cards and he said that's a good idea.  So we started playing 5 card draw with another friend of his.  He said something along the lines of he had a pair of kings.  I tossed my cards down and he said I guess I win with a pair of high kings.  I hesitated and picked up my cards again and said oh wait but it doesn't beat 3 kings (2 kings and a joker).  That's when I woke up.

I was outside a building and my friend from high school was there and I saw her baby boy who was splashed with filthy water from on top of the building by some stranger. I go over to the baby boy and pick him up and take him to a baby changing stand to clean the baby up. I ask for water from my friend to help clean her baby, and she comes back with yellow tinted water. I use the water, pouring it over the child and not only did the mess over the baby boy wash away but his physical appearance change where his hair turned blond and his dark eyes change to bright blue ones. I ask for better water and my friend goes and brings back clear water but this time inside the water there are bugs floating inside. I tilt the best I can to give the baby something to drink without the bugs going into his mouth.

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