The guy I love told me he loves me for the first Time. We held hands and kissed each other. Then we were throwing bombs and making Fire explosions
I carry a stockpile of guns in my house and in my dream, My stockpile was outside in my father's van. Meanwhile there is a zombie apocalypse going on. So we only had 2 shotguns and a pistol. My brother, my friend and I went outside through the back and I jokingly said to my friend watch your back and he pointed his shotgun in my direction fired and killed a zombie and he said watch your back. Then I woke up sweatin
To see your boyfriend carrying fire wood on his head with another girl
The world was ending and me and my family and friends went into a zoo building to get out of a medior shower and when we stepped in the building was on fire and blood was running down the sides of the building and everyone was screaming and all of a sudden this huge large animal human thing is in the middle of the building yelling at us for how we treat god saying "you take pain meds because you have a headache in the morning while jesus christ suffered for hours" and he said that brining down the walls of the building would be our justified sacrifice for our lord. And alot of people got crushed when he brought down the walls. All of a sudden my grandma was sleeping in another room and he was gunna kill her..and i said i would take her place only if she lived and he was just about ready to snap my neck when he asked do you want to live a long life? And i nodded and he granted me that wish and he was gone.
A new girl moved into my neighborhood. Her name started with a c and I fell in love with her. She was already dating a boy name Miguel. It was not until the forth of July fireworks that she went out with me and she started putting her arms around my waste and we just about to kiss.
Blowing out a fire
My daughter school and people throwing bottle of fire and hits my car.
I saw my late daddy saving us from a fas cylinder explosion from a fire
My house was on fire and my family and I ran out. The fire department came and we went back in the house. It then turned into another dream where I was running from a group of people, and someone helped me. I then had to help another person who was a boy who I know, and we escaped together. When we escaped we found a house, and we were safe, and we flew in the sky on hanglider-like things, and we were happy
My house was on fire and my family and I ran out. The fire department came and we went back in the house. It then turned into another dream where I was running from a group of people, and someone helped me. I then had to help another person who was a boy who I know, and we escaped together. When we escaped we found a house, and we were safe, and we flew in the air on hanglider-like things, and we were happy