I saw my English teacher at the grocery store, shortly after running into my good friend. I talked to him, then when he left she elbowed me and asked if I had a crush on him. I said no and acted disgusted. We ate the baked goods and then a rock band came. October 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that I was on a field trip to this huge game stop emporium and it had all the annoying games that say if you win you get an ipod, but when I played I won but the obly prizes to choose from were a gps some random crap and a compass that was electrical so I pickec the compass and then I stole a bunch of cards and a $30 dollar gift card that I ended up paying for because you have to activate it to use it. Then the world switched and I was climbing this huge mossy sandy rocky and crazy mountain blob thing and i uust kept climbing and then I was with three random people and we were chasing this guy and we got caught at the top of the wave and we crashed into the beach and the wave was like tsunami and then my dream jumped to me back on the mountain blob climbing the mossy and sandy part and I was collectong red and pink shiny pebbles and then i was getting swept away by a river that i fell in while looking for pebbles and then my parents were at the edge honking for me to get in the car and then I woke up October 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream was, that me and my grandpa were in a grocery store parking lot and we had to get to the other side but there was a Rocky Mountain in front of us and my grandpa climbed it just fine, but I couldn't climb it. I was to scared so my grandpa lifted me half way and told me it was up to me to climb the rest of the way. I still couldn't get to the top and I was still to afraid. October 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was azazel, satan asked me to deliver some technology. i was walking on glass walkways that cracked and shattered wherever i stepped. i found an ancient temple, pushed over many statues, and exposed and entered the realm of the gods where i encountered some divine being in the form of a long-haired man in white robes who threw a rock at me with telekinesis and i pushed it back toward him with telekinesis. October 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream had a good mix of people in my life, new and old, friends, family, work colleagues. It was revealed that my boyfriend was cheating on me whilst I was pregnant. He had been with 2.5 women since the start of my pregnancy. The lease was up on our house and I decided to leave him and threatened to abort the baby. His best friend (who I think was fictional as he wasn't a friend from real life) gave me full details of how my boyfriend had been betraying me. I had sex with his friend in the shower while holding feelings of hurt and betrayal. I confronted my boyfriend and he was not forthcoming in information, continuing to lie. I packed up the children and my things to leave. He was staying at his friends house now. We drove away with his close following behind down a dangerous path of rock mud and grass on a steep slope. I told his family we were no longer having a baby or planning a future together and they all seemed to know why already. I woke up very disturbed and emotional. In my dream I was making sense of my partners waking behaviour - that's why he disappeared then, or that's who he was texting that time. November 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was killing people with swords in mexico,then i got ambushed with rocks October 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis