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Dreams pack

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

It started out with me at a party, and then skipped ahead to me getting into a car with some strangers. We kinda became friends and went to a haunted house together. Then I remembered that I needed to get home to my little brother. So I left and walked home to where my little brother was (which I do not have a little brother in real life). Our dad was out so I had to babysit. He kept going out into our back yard where there was this creepy old shed. In the shed there was a mower and other yard tools there were a few sharp objects hanging around. Well my brother and I, for some reason, were trying to get something out of the shed. When my brother went in I heard screaming and ran outside to see what was wrong. There was a white face in the window with wild red hair. It was a demon. I ran into the shed and fought to get my brother out. I was climbing to the top of the shed to get something from off the shelf when I heard a noise.. There was an old tux hanging up in the shed and all the sudden my brother was wearing it. He started walking out of the shed all weird like. So I ran after him. I knew he was possessed. So when I got to him I spun him around grabbed him by his elbows and commanded that the demon leave him in the name of Jesus Christ. My brother then went limp in my arms. After a few seconds he woke up and was fine. For some reason I left my shirt in the shed and felt that I needed to get it. When I walked back to the shed to get it I heard my brother scream "NO! HE"S STILL THERE!" I looked threw the window and there was that demon. I started walking into the door and looked around to see if he was still there but he wasnt. I then turned around and took my brother to my room told him to pack because we were leaving and staying somewhere else that night.

I was in a warehouse, inside were a large conglomeration of people milling about doing various things, standing in conversations, etc. On the floor were various puddles and messes left behind by dogs, IE: poop, & puke, while in the dream I was convinced the puddles were all poop and was grossed out, and concerned that I might accidently step in it, so as I stood there contemplating how to clean up the mess suddenly Kathy Creighton came up to me, and took me in an embrace and started dancing with me, sort of a waltzy thing, hands clasped in the air, one around the waist, and she pulled close to me as we danced. I became uncomfortable and looked at her asking her what she was doing and if she thought this was such a good idea, and she looked close at me and said "Just listen to me!" and then continued to dance. Then, we danced over to an area in the warehouse where there was an office build-up, and in the doorway was a group of people, one of them, sitting in a chair or on the floor (?) was Aaron, Kathy's husband, he looked pissed, and his hair was all cut off, like he'd been shaved but there was a stubble, I was very concerned and released Kathy from our embrace and handed her back to Aaron, I think I said "Thanks Aaron..." and he looked up at me with a very distainful look. I went back into the warehouse area where all the messes were, and where Kathy & I were dancing, and noticed that there were sheets of paper towels over the mess-piles, like someone noticed and just tried to cover them up so no one would step into them. I began picking up the towels, grasping the gook in attempt to clean up and in the process got some of the feces on the inside of my lips, UGH! I became freaked out and started looking for a bathroom or sink so I could rinse off my mouth, I walked through another series of doors on the office build-up, I guess it was a bathroom (?) Saw a toilet, and a toilet paper roller, I don't think it had TP on it, there was a plastic bar on it connected to the two posts where the roll attached, and when I moved it there was a light blue light behind it, and it was warm to the touch. In process of trying to find a way to clean myself I lost focus and ended up on the back side of the office build-up back in the warehouse, where there was a refrigerator that had a package of frozen vegitables laying on the top, noticing them I touched the bag to feel if it was room tempreture, it was very cold still so I picked them up and opened the fridge, I looked in and could see the back of the fridge had a window on it to where you could see the back side, I figured that anyone could have made the mistake of setting these vegies on the top of the fridge because the view to the top was very much like the view to the inside (?).

I was getting married to my boyfriend , I was so happy I was crying. As a wedding gift, someone have me a breadboard, I instantly loved it, I carried it everywhere at the reception, and still had it in my hands when I went home. After I'd arrived at home I decided to go for a walk, it was around 1am and I was walking in the street when a man came up behind me and tried attacking me, I ran home trying to escape from him but he followed me, I was in the kitchen when I grabbed a knife, and he grabbed one too, but before he could cut me I chopped his fingers off that we're holding his knife, and I started stabbing into him when he turned into a cake on the special breadboard I got, in the dream, the man turning into a cake didn't seem at all weird. I was cutting into the cake over and over and blood was oozing out of it. When I stopped I was really upset because I didn't want to use the breadboard after the man had died on it, and his blood was all over it. My dad got the pieces of the man and put it into a bag and set it on fire. Then we looked into the mans backpack which had hundreds or thousands of 100 dollar notes in it, which we suspected to be drug money. Dad gave me the money, then we called the police and they came and took the bag away that had the man in it. Then I shared some money with my mum and dad. Then I woke up.

Simon Pegg is preparing to go scuba diving. He is offered to go with a rich scaba man he just met by the seaside. Whenthey get in the water Simon Pegg turns into me and I take over. THe rich scuba man becomes my brother. We reach a corner in the sea. We place half-slab blocks in the corner to stand and sit on. I place pictures and paintings on the walls of the corner. My brother gets out the Laptop, on and with internet access. Suddenly three girls appear and ask for a place to rest. Lewis gives me the laptop to use. I sayI want to go back home. We pack up and swin off.

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