Understand My Dreams

Dreams fire

So i was in a room and i said i was going to put this tattoo/burn on my wrist/hand to see if it did anything, the tattoo/burn was two circles one inside the other so one smaller obviously. i think it stung abit im not sure but when i did that i then had two crosses one beside me and one i picked up i then put the smaller cross on the burn/tattoo and it started to burn the bigger cross that what next to me like putted it on fire but when i took the other cross off my wrist it stopped but when i put it back on it burnt again is this bad?

I was at a stem camp and i was the only person i knew there i made freinds. Then we went outside and i saw a old freind i want nothing to do with. I ignore her and go to the high school were i have old journals im throwing away. These guys steal them then i have to go find them because they mean alot to me. Then a guy freind who has a crush on me but i dont like him shows up and helps. He walks faster ahead of me and i try to catch up. We go to this firehouse and this dog terrifies me. I sit in a ball sobbing and rocking back and forth then i cant breathe and im clawing and reaching out but everyone ignores me. But as soon as my eyes start to drift close they rush to me. But as soon as i die i wake up

I'm 20 in college, I don't remember the first half of my dream but ill start from where I do. I was in this cage with a friend we were shackled by our arms laying in this basement jail looking area, some how fire caught on the wall from the paper my legs were free so I started to kick it till it all went away,some how I'm crying talking to my friend and I somehow send my mom a message on a laptop and says "help me plz come get me it goes blank then, I remember leaving in a five speed hatch. We were at some kind of school... I almost hit a truck omw out so were leaving me and some friend were are flying down this road as if the breaks aren't that good I keep it on the road till the last curve were I fly out the car and I see it fly off this hill. Some how my friend is on the balcony I climb up to check on him he goes inside this persons house I follow after I do I remember boo this is not my house so I run to the door and run out side, now I remember waking up with my mom in a car saying some man knocked me out so I get in the car and leave as I do I see a girl on the balcony just staring at me... It is night time probably very late . Then I end up in this huge building we are partying or something like that, I could feel alot of anger, frustration and annoyed . I see these people huge some small but scary looking not really human but the other half were . Then I fall with my head hurting and I hear my voice yelling and see images of evil maybe demonic people idk.. Then I fund my self at my house were in the kitchen five people three guys and two girls , my and my friend got in a argument , I told him ill kick his ass he was talking back so I slammed him I used to be a wrestler then we end up stopping and leaving each other alone.. There was more but that's all I remember

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