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Dreams crow

Found 715 dreams containing crow - Page 31

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At my cousins house and she was fixing herself a plate of food from the microwave, I asked could I have some she gave me the ok I went toward the microwave I looked in the microwave and there were about three dishes in there, there was meat, and peas, etc.... I looked at the pea after getting a piece of meat they looked like they had gone bad I took them out and sat it on top of the microwave I moved in closer to smell it and noticed it moving I step away in fear and big and small maggot shot out of the peas onto the walls and started crawling everywhere mostly just the walls I admittedly got sick and regurgitated on the floor

Had a dream that Jill and I haven’t seen each other since our last fight (which would have been the end of August 2013) but we still somehow ended up at a hotel getting married. I remember riding a bus, tram or train from what I assume was the airport (not sure) with her family members and Jimmy Mumby from work. Most of the family seemed a bit redneck, but Jimmy brought out weed and all her family member went crazy trying to smoke it, and even some seemed to have a new method of turning into liquid, and drinking it through a straw. I remember how uncomfortable I felt and I wanted to get away but I was trapped. The driver came back and began handing out what looked like strings with some sort of stick or straw and telling the guys who were smoking that they were going to have to swallow them. I felt relieved thinking he was going to stop them from smoking, but then he yelled out “Just kidding” smoke them if you got them, or something like that, laughed and went back to driving. The driver was wearing the stereotypical blue pants, driver’s hat and he had a mustache. When I got to the hotel I didn’t know what was going on or how I ended up being in the situation of marrying someone that I haven’t spoken too for months. I remember seeing her in her wedding dress (the old one from when she was 18) and seeing some of her bride’s maids in inappropriate bride’s maid dresses. One bride’s maid had a white dress that was cut to show a lot of skin, bra and panties could be seen. I was suddenly rushed by my mom to change into my suite (cannot remember the exact color but I know it was dark). Something happened to my shirt, can’t really remember but I spilled or dropped something on it, because I remember trying to rub it off. Next thing I know I was shirtless standing in front where the altar would be and a crowd was gathering in the seats and people were pushing me to the front as a protested about being shirtless. I remember still being confused about what I was doing or how I got myself in that position. I remember feeling anxiety about the hair that might be seen on my back. I remember thinking that I didn’t want to waste everyone’s time and money and feeling pressured to go through with it, and every time I attempted to discuss things with Jill, she wouldn’t acknowledge me, with the exception of telling me what she wanted and how she wanted it to go down. She seemed happy, or at least to everyone else, but we still didn’t talk. I remember feeling pressured about the vows because I wasn’t sure what to say to someone that hurt me so badly and haven’t spoken too in the last six months, but didn’t want to let everyone down. Everything seemed to be rushed as if “if it doesn’t happen right now it will never happen”. Her family seemed to be wearing country clothes including camouflage hats, had beards and yelled or talked super loud.

Had a dream that Jill and I haven’t seen each other since our last fight (which would have been the end of August 2013) but we still somehow ended up at a hotel getting married. I remember riding a bus, tram or train from what I assume was the airport (not sure) with her family members and Jimmy Mumby from work. Most of the family seemed a bit redneck, but Jimmy brought out weed and all her family member went crazy trying to smoke it, and even some seemed to have a new method of turning into liquid, and drinking it through a straw. I remember how uncomfortable I felt and I wanted to get away but I was trapped. The driver came back and began handing out what looked like strings with some sort of stick or straw and telling the guys who were smoking that they were going to have to swallow them. I felt relieved thinking he was going to stop them from smoking, but then he yelled out “Just kidding” smoke ‘em if you got’em, or something like that, laughed and went back to driving. The driver was wearing the stereotypical blue pants, driver’s hat and he had a mustache. When I got to the hotel I didn’t know what was going on or how I ended up being in the situation of marrying someone that I haven’t spoken too for months. I remember seeing her in her wedding dress (the old one from when she was 18) and seeing some of her bride’s maids in inappropriate bride’s maid dresses. One bride’s maid had a white dress that was cut to show a lot of skin, bra and panties could be seen. I was suddenly rushed by my mom to change into my suite (cannot remember the exact color but I know it was dark). Something happened to my shirt, can’t really remember but I spilled or dropped something on it, because I remember trying to rub it off. Next thing I know I was shirtless standing in front where the altar would be and a crowd was gathering in the seats and people were pushing me to the front as a protested about being shirtless. I remember still being confused about what I was doing or how I got myself in that position. I remember thinking that I didn’t want to waste everyone’s time and money and feeling pressured to go through with it, and every time I attempted to discuss things with Jill, she wouldn’t acknowledge me, with the exception of telling me what she wanted and how she wanted it to go down. She seemed happy, or at least to everyone else, but we still didn’t talk. I remember feeling pressured about the vows because I wasn’t sure what to say to someone that hurt me so badly and haven’t spoken too in the last six months, but didn’t want to let everyone down. Everything seemed to be rushed as if “if it doesn’t happen right now it will never happen”. Her family seemed to be wearing country clothes including camo hats, had beards and yelled a lot.

I was being drove around on a long highway by a man, his face didn't look familiar in my walking life but I have seen him in past dreams. We drove for awhile longer and he pulled into a parking lot that was surrounding a building built of bricks. We walked around when we where abruptly grabbed and shoved into the building. We stood there as a group of people shoved us down the hall into a smaller room filled with more people. They left me and this man who I seemed to be attached to emotionally in the dream. We sat down and he held me close to him making sure no harm would be done by our capturers. I noticed a man behind a desk holding a gun and flipping through a paper loudly I watched him carefully as I slowly made my way up to the desk. I smacked his hand flipping the gun and catching it and clutched it with my hands. I backed up and pulled the man I was there with up and proceeded to walk backwards to the door but before I could get any further, the man from behind the desk grabbed a different gun and shot me with it (it was a tranquillizer) I fell to the ground. The man who was with me quickly ran to my aid as I laid there he pressed his cold hand to the side of my cheek and held up my head and whispered to me about how everything would be ok, before I could smile up to him I blacked out. When I awoke the man who shot me seemed angry with me. He made it clear that he must teach me a lesson for trying to leave. He grabbed my arm and drug me to this room where there was a large white sheet hanging from the ceiling. He grabbed the sheet and pulled it down, there in a small wooden chair sat the man who I was there with. His eyes looked as though the skin on top had been rubbed raw and it was bleeding profusely and it was just a horrifying scene. I screamed his name (which I don't remember what his name was just that I yelled it) He quickly opened his eyes and this was the first time in my dream I had noticed them they where the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Everything around the eye itself was a bloody raw mess of flesh, but the eye was a faint silver tinted blue with a darker blue ring around the outside of them. The sight of them made my dream self shake, the then man who was standing next to me shoved me next to man sitting in the chair. I looked at him as he stared blankly at me. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I whispered how much I loved this man and that I will get us out of this. He faintly smiled and then I noticed a small razor in his mouth, that had cut it up pretty badly. I stuck my fingers in to grab the blade before he could swallow it and after I grabbed the blade his mouth started pouring blood. I kissed the man on the lips as the blood poured from his to mine, I grew angry at the agony they put this man who I seemed to love through all this torcher and pain. I noticed a bucket of tools and grabbed a crow bar and followed some of the people who did this to him down into the basement. I proceeded to smash there heads in with the bar as I screamed how does it feel?! After I had obliterated everyone I walked back up the stairs to see the man who I loved all better, his eyes where completely healed. His hair was shiny and long, his beard was neatly in order and his eyes glowing. He ran to me and held me close to him and placed his forehead on mine and fluttered his eyes so I could feel his eyelashes on my skin. He kissed me slightly and then held me close and told me he would never let me go and I looked into his eyes and woke up.

The love of my life died several months ago. Prior to his death Had been dreaming of him several times a week. the night he died I woke up startled feeling smothered. The next morning there were crows at my window. I have been dream about him almost every night at first dark and hazy .until two nights ago I it was bright and clear I could feel him touch my foot he was dressed in a light off white suite he walked over to his ex wife and either kissed her on the cheek or whispered something in her ear-but smiling at me and his daughter . Than I felt the the something pulling and looked down and saw that he and I were chained together. Everyone was smiling and laughing in the room but his ex.

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