I was at my aunts house cleaning & dusting her furniture.
I had a dream my dead Aunty was washing my window
My mum murdered a old man in front of a young me, as he was sexualy abusive to me. Later I fall in love and get pregnant to a man that turns out to be the old mans son who wants to takw my baby and murder me. It was so vivid that it is haunting me.
I was in a river, topless fly fishing. There was a white bear crossing with two baby cubs. We were at my aunts house eating sausage and egg muffins. There was some sort of powdery drug involved too.
Birth and dead aunt
My boyfriend 's parents showed up at my aunts house then my boyfriend showed up. I hugged my boyfriend as he spun me around and i wrapped my legs around him
I was in a classroom and my teacher was there, then i went to my room in the living room i had sex with the maid and then i was kissing her breasts touching it then my aunt caught us and then she watched TV.
I keep dreaming that my boyfriend is my cousin . That he was my aunt's son.
I keep dreaming that my boyfriend is blood related to me . That he was my aunt's son.