Dream about animals being slaughtered at the abattoir
As i walked in my sister's backyard, wherever i stepped i found siblings of birds and pet animals like ducks, weasels, mynas,cranes coming out of their nests on the ground.
Dead animals in a river
Being attacked by animals that eat me
I dreamt last night that I was swimming with a mother and baby whale. It was at a beach I knew as a child. I was not scared or frightened. I was having a great time marvelling at how friendly these giant animals were towards me. I also found that when I was underwater with them I understood their whale song and could communicate with them.
I dreamt last night that I was swimming with a mother and baby whale. It was at a beach I new as a child. I was not scared or frightened. I was having a great time marvelling at how friendly these giant animals were towards me. I also found that when I was underwater with them I understood their whale song and could communicate with them.
I felt something evil inside me I seen shawdows in the room I was in I stareted to prey and as I prayed a dresser mirrior appeared in my dream my face turned into several denonic faces I preyed to god to get out of me and I kept getting these terible grawls like angry animals I cryed out for my mama I cryed out for god trying to run I couldnt just crying out for god and begging jesus for help and the grawls grew angrier then I woke up
I saw a ripe paddy field in my dreams i was walking through a ripe paddy field with another person i saw a cute baby elephant and a cute mouse with oversized ear i wanted to adopt the two animals but i did not and they walked away
Dark ocean, stuffed animals, flickering lightbulb, refrigerator, storm, scary, water