I was falling off a waterfall and before I got to the bottom and hit the water I said I don't love my ex
Waterfall and open sky . again i am seeing myself in my school {high school 5 yrs back} doing potty. and after that i saw lots of flowers and butterflies flying over them.
I was in a room made of glass. My friends were on the outside looking in. I heard a voice telling me to sing. When I started to sing, the room began to change. Grass sprouted from the floor and the ceiling turned to sky. The more beautifully I sang the more the room became a world. There were waterfalls, trees, sunshine. It was paradise
She said it took a long time to get there but we just slept and she was scared the plane would wreck. We got there safely and went to our huge house to stay with grandma on the beach. She said that as soon as we got there we went to see the volcanos and they were huge. After we saw them we kept walking and found a beautiful waterfall and walked under it and the water was real cold. Next she said that we went back to the house and went to the beach and she and I were in the water and everyone started running out and she saw a shark swimming by me so she told me to run and then we did and she woke up from her dream.
Praying into a waterfall
Running in the woods, then jumping off into the waterfall
A rainbow and a waterfall with a gleaming sun and tropical birds
Rocky wAterfalls
In a cafe and someone runs to the toilet half naked but doesn't make it, the excrement comes out like a waterfall down the legs
I had a dream that my coworker was sitting in a train with a waterfall on one side of her and a lit up fireplace on the other side