Couldn’t wake up from being tortured and raped by demons
I was floating in a black space where there was nothing visible other than a ball I can hold on to but I told myself not to let myself float away or I can never wake up
I was at my cousins house. (We went there to my little cousins second birthday the other day in real life). I was walking to their guest bathroom when I felt scared, that somebody might already be in there and I didnt want it to be embarrassing. It suddenly went pitch black, my heart was beating. I didnt see anything but I heard a small kid laugh, running on a field/on grass. While she was running she fell. I heard hear almost starting to cry just like a small kid would when they fell. The sounds stopped and I heard a womens voice, like a narrator, in a serious tone. Pretty, serious voice. "If.. in your head, then..." - I dont remember much of it. I was conscious as soon as it went pitch black and I heard the kid. I tried waking up and opening my eyes but it was hard. Like something was trying to keep my eyes closed. I woke up. After a reassuring I was awake I closed my eyes again. It all happened again just faster. I tried waking up again, this time with moving. It was also hard but I managed to move my finger and wake up.
I'm with my deceased friend blaise and him mom. We live together in his old apartment. Me and him are cuddled up on the couch. he sleeping and me and his mom are talking and sharing stories. Next thing I know my mom is there pulling me away from him telling me I'm not allowed to see him anymore and I'm crying and trying to hold onto him as hard as I can and he's hugging me trying not to let me go. My mom finally pulls us apart and I wake up
I dream that I'm me a male but I'm pregnant and see myself as a female this is a frequent dream I'm usually with my wife and always wake up before givinh birth
Ex boyfriend stalking me like a sexual predator then eventually trying to force himself on me and i wake up a different points throughout the dream
Family Amusement Park bonding time last ride before leave water rapids waiting in line look over at my scared baby telling him it's alright ask if he needs to use the bathroom before the ride take stroller we go to bathroom take diaper off in stroller but hold diaper as I put him in the sink/tub to use the bathroom he is fine and done but I slip from going to the bathroom too which magically appeared under me baby falls in sick/tub water is in body and surrounded by it which I push on the babies stomach to get out but baby throws up insides which look like two flower monsters throwing up like white sperm at me flower monsters are attach to my arm baby dead in my arms I scream for help and family comes helps me put baby back together while that is happening I wake up from being scared
I had a dream about a man and a woman half naked ( just a slight coverage of the private parts only) giving me a chase, with intent to kill me...I run and run for a long distance until I wake up
Dreaming of Beelzebub im running from him and another guy I don't know I try to survive but I get shot and I wake up
I have this dream where I'm at home and because I have little brothers I hear little running sounds, while one night I hear it a lot from 12-1am so I get up to look and all of a sudden I'm asleep again in the dream. I wake up and I just hear this person talking about how life is going. Do you know who I am, I'm scared but not because I know I'm dreaming. When they walk closer to me i realize that the face look familiar and i can't guess who it is, this goes on for what feels like forever and right before they go to kill me he tells me who he is and its ted bundy.