My fiance dreamed about his deceased dog and picking ticks off of it and then of bare skin and some kind of infection under skin March 11, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm at the bank talking to the bank teller which happened to be a lady from my job,all these boys from the neighborhood gang are there.I leave my cars being blocked in by one of them that I've met before. I beep he moves.i try to lock my car doors but they wouldnt lock so I speed off and park my car and start riding my bike by this place I know.a car pulls up on the side of another car.shoots the people in the car.gets out of his car walks up to them and shoots then lays a white sheet on the ground and sticks a american flag in it. February 15, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My sister and I were in the living room eating fish sticks when a ufo landed down the road in the cul de sac and abducted my black neighbor Billy on his bike. Then they started running around my house while we were still eating. August 29, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream I was with my friend that lives in South Carolina and her friend was pregnant but her baby was an egg in a bag with a lot of stuff that looked almost like dirt twigs and little sticks. June 24, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream of sitting at the back of a truck with a dead person sitting on sticks means July 11, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in a familiar area riding a bike a white charger pulls up on the side of a white Lexus puts his window down and starts shooting. He then gets out of his car shoots through the window and lays out a white blanket and sticks an american flag in the ground.I'm trying to run he follows me for a second then runs across the street and the cops come February 15, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My sister and I were eating fishsticks when a UFO landed down the street in the cul de sac and abducted my neighbor Billy on his bike Then they started running around the outside of my house while we were eating still. August 29, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I went to the carnival and i met the perfect guy there. He was everything i wanted in a guy; tall, funny, sweet, still sticks around my craziness. The first day we met we instantly connected. It was like we were already in love and meant to be even though we had just met. He even stuck around after he seen how crazy my family was. June 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis