Understand My Dreams

Dreams serpent

Hen the sky opened i saw pictures falling from sky.. Different faces of people and the last piece of photo was ur photo sis. It falls straight in front on me.. Then a man wearing white clothes like robe, his face is a bit blurry pick ur photo and from the time he pick ur pic i felt so worried and sad.. Then He didnt say a word, he gave me ur photo.. Then he point his finger in front of us, i saw two doors, one door on the left was a door of serpents, full of rust, vines and thornes. The serpent looked on me. But the man on a white robe pointed the right door, a door full of jewels, diamonds, stones of every color, it was so bright and shiny and peaceful. He told me Go, and He handed me ur photo..and i ask him wat will i do.. He smiled and pointed the right door And said nothing..

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