Understand My Dreams

Dreams ram

I had a dream I can remember which is a rare thing. It had death in it which seldom happens in my dreams. In the dream – I sensed my dream had reference to another dream I had, but I do not remember that dream. In that other dream, like in movies, my body was clothed and in bad shape so we decide to change the body. And with some sort of magic technology, I get my face and everything back. This time, my old body is sent back to me in a plastic coffin with a USA flag on it. At first, I was surprised and sound drama. They were bringing it back to me. I said to them “I don't know what to do with it guys”. They replied "It's yours...." I instantly felt distant to the situation. I already have my new body now but I knew the dead body is mine. I did not care what was happening. I asked to open the box that now is a plastic coffin. It was warm inside it. I saw my old body. My face was pretty so I barely recognized myself. My legs were very very fine. "Yes they do good work!!! Looks so nice!" Then it was time to take the body, so we (the people bring the body and I) placed it somewhere. But even more strange, the body started to get into the position of a cat and sleep. And it was very soft, like a cat... "Yes it sleeps a lot"

I’m looking at photos of a wedding of the daughter of one of the church members. Then I see a photo of the wedding of another one of his daughters it’s a photo of a courthouse wedding. I’m now at that courthouse and see them make that photo. She’s in a dark dress and he holds her and beds her back for a kiss. The classic dramatic kissing photo for weddings. I wondered. Would our wedding be like the first one, full blown with a dress and a church or like the second one. A quick run away to the church.

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