Understand My Dreams

Dreams parade

I was fighting with my husband because i dont want to have sexual activity with him because i was scared that he might have HIV infection, yet he did touch me in my sleep and something happened to us, then in the morning i have realized that i was too infected with a virus, thereafter a parade of people all wearing white was on each side of the road waiting for the funeral and for me to see a white coffin, with pink ribbon on the side and pink flowers coming out of the coffin.

I had a dream that my boyfriend , whos in jail, was gay. I remember feeling very heartbroken and confused. I vividly remember the mans face he was gay with. My boyfriend was at his friends house and was hardly talking to me, it was text messages I remember seeing. There was a parade and I asked him why he didnt invite me to be with him and his friends. He text me back saying things were not going to be the same between us anymore. I asked why, and thats when I seen him and his lover having sex.

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