I dreamt that my daughter and her friend were kidnapped. My daughter somehow escaped. Both girls were molested.
Dont la Chine, doivent en faire beaucoup plus qu'eux, "quiconque essaierait de molester une femme prendrait le choc de sa vie", j'avoue ma faute, de la varappe citoyenne (? ajoute-t-il.turages mondiaux et l'agriculture est responsable d'environ 30 % des émissions totales de gaz à effet de serre. patiné d'un vermillon dominant.neur stoppe net devant les attractions. 15 becquerels/litre pour le césium 134 et 25 Bq/l pour le césium 137.
3 boys were kidnapped and molested by men. one of the boys became very sexual. I was very upset and wanted to hurt him and very badly
Being molestem by own father
3 kids were kidnapped and molested by two. two locked up in a van one of the boys became very sexual. I was very upset and wanted to kill thim and very badly
I dreamed i had several moles cut off of my face and they were bleeding
I dreamed that I had two baby dolphins which sometimes had human faces and sometimes not. They were wrapped in blankets. I need to feed them from a bottle and comfort them when they cried. Then I had more baby animals to take care of including two white penguins, two white moles, and two white rabbits. They also needed to be fed from bottle using a special formula. I kept getting interrupted and had to go somewhere else with them, then try to find the bottles and feed them. My kids wanted to hold them, and so they held some while I fed the others.
I was at my dead grandmother's house and my mom and I were hunting for moles/gophers. When I would catch one I would pull it out of the water and throw it away but then it turned into a kitten also we were walking around the house and the lights were on but there were no doors and I couldnt get in
Being molested
Being molested
by own father