I was helping a pregnant woman who was supposed to be my cousin. I found a young boy who was unwanted and the cousin decided to adopt him. I helped around the house with chores and in the yard. I parked my car across the street from the house and a lamp pole fell on it. The pole dented the passenger side of the car, but the car seemed to absorb the pole. I argued with my cousins husband about the seriousness of the event and he walked away angry. He started doing yard work while his parents watched. I poured mmy heart out to him and expressed love for him and his wife. I grabbed him and gave him a big, tight hug, after which he forgave me. Then the young boy was taken to see a doctor and we found out that he is very sick. I walked back inside the house, which is designed like my ex- boyfriend s house, and I found my dog dying in the front hallway. My husband appeared and he would not help me with the dog. I ran around like crazy trying to get help, but no one would help. The dog psuedo-recovered. I was doing dishes in the kitchen when the husband and a ton of family appeared. He was giving a big speech about the effort everyone gave. As a reward he handed out tickets to everyone to see a play at a concert hall, but he gave me and my husband tickets to go to San Francisco. I was overwhelmed and thankful. I got into a fight with my mother over which one of us had suffered more. I stood over her yelling in her face about my sacrifices. The cousin and husband wanted private time and kicked everyone out except me. I finished the kitchen and cleaned out the refridgerator. Then I looked down the hallway and I could see the couple getting intimate, but they ignored me. I then went into the back playroom whereThe sick boy was watching television. I talked with him some more and told him how much I loved him and that I would protect him. Then we were at a missile base somewhere in America and we tripped an alarm. Missiles started firing and some men showed up to help us escape. We had a blast riding rocket ships. We were badasses. January 13, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I really like the room where I spend my nights, but sometimes in my dreams there’s a much more beautiful one. It has a very big balcony with a view at he sea and it’s bigger than mine. It’s lighter and it also has a wide window from where you can see the mountains and a country landscape, too. Its walls are light blue and there are nice pictures hunging from them. In one side, there’s a huge bed covered by a patchwork cover, and small lamps on the bedside tables. There’s a small white rug on the wooden floor and plenty of books on the shelves opposite to the bed. I hope one day this dream will come true! November 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
From the Childhood I used to dream to do those things that nobody had done. but due to the society and family was unable to understand my dream. I was never let freedom to anything by which i used to clamp my desire . My parents were separated by which i never get love of them. In the search of their love i came to Main city Kathmandu where my parents stay. I went to my parents but i didn't get their love and support. at that time i understood that everything is the money . then i struggle lonely. now i am a businessman and i have settle myself . I always see a dream at night but i can't focus on it now a days i am unable to focus in my business and real thing .i want to publish my slogan 'i believe i am not alone' everywhere, everyone's heart. I am confused about my aim and dream. October 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My father gave me a bag full of exotic like fish filled with water, they type you might see in a Japanese pond perhaps? There were about four of them, including the good sized catfish that broke out of the bag and clamped onto my shoe with bite a few times to make sure its fangs really dug in and got me, trying to hurt me, I was wearing shoes so it did not hurt so bad. . Naturally I kicked the fish on my shoe up against some type of thing in order to kill it since it was obviously trying to harm me. I felt its bite loosening every kick I made. When I finished with that I noticed that the other fish in the bag had lost too much water and I needed to direly put them in the water. The pond was the only solution though I didnt know how it would turn out... or if they would survive with the other fish or in the type of water, I had to take the chance of throwing them in with the others, I looked as closely watching to see if it turned out bad or good, hoping for the best .. to my surprise it looked serene as far as I could see, no fighting. I saw fish eating out of a special spot just for them with what seemed to be food placed especially for them. They seemed very content and taken care of well. It was a beautiful pond... similar to a coy fish pond, but this one had much more types of life. September 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My father gave me a bag full of exotic like fish filled with water, they type you may see in a Japanese pond perhaps? There were about four of them, including the good sized catfish that broke out of the bag and clamped onto my shoe with bite a few times to make sure its fangs really dug in and got me, trying to hurt me, I was wearing shoes so it did not hurt so bad. . Naturally I kicked the fish on my shoe up against some type of thing in order to kill it since it was obviously trying to harm me. I felt its bite loosening every kick I made. When I finished with that I noticed that the other fish in the bag had lost too much water and I needed to direly put them in the water. The pond was the only solution though I didnt know how it would turn out... or if they would survive with the other fish or in the type of water, I had to take the chance of throwing them in with the others, I looked as closely watching to see if it turned out bad or good, hoping for the best .. to my surprise it looked serene as far as I could see, no fighting. I saw fish eating out of a special spot just for them with what seemed to be food placed especially for them. They seemed very content and taken care of well. It was a beautiful pond... similar to a coy fish pond, but this one had much more types of life. September 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
From the Childhood I used to dream to do those things that nobody had done. but due to the society and family was unable to understand my dream. I was never let freedom to anything by which i used to clamp my desire . My parents were separated by which i never get love of them. In the search of their love i came to Main city Kathmandu where my parents stay. I went to my parents but i didn't get their love and support. at that time i understood that everything is the money . then i struggle lonely. now i am a businessman and i have settle myself . I always see a dream at night but i can't focus on it now a days i am unable to focus in my business and real thing . I am confused about my aim and dream October 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreaming of water leaking from a ceiling, also water coming through the walls, lights in house not working but using a broken lamp October 06, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis