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Dreams in my head

Found 127 dreams containing in my head - Page 4

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I am in a 3 year relationship with my partner now. And my dream is scattered, i never remember my dream. But this one stuck in my head. Somehow i ended up spending time with an ex- girlfriend on her holiday. that i was also with for around the 3 years mark. It was like i was the 3rd wheel with her and her friend but it was like i was friendly with my ex again, like nothing had ever happened. And throughout the dream she and her friend (also an attractive female)were hinting on a 3some and i kept putting it off. Then at the end of the dream my ex girlfriend kissed me whilst we were on the couch. Then out of nowhere a random guy shows up and starts kissing my ex aswel. And her friend calls me to her and i sit beside her. Kiss her neck. Then turns out shes got a dick. Then i bail on the sex and wake up. Pretty weird..

Me and my friends were at like this large mall/building/convention/place. IDK it was more like a mall. And I was buying a new wig and I had a tough time pulling out my money. I pulled out half of the amount I needed. It was four dollars but I needed eight. Me and my friends were laughing because I was being slow. Earlier there was an announcement that somebody got murdered. Everyone was in remorse. But when I was putting my money up a lady burst in and started yelling. She said to stay calm but the murders were on the same floor we were. I dropped my wig and money and ran up the stairwell with my dad. We hid in the rows of a movie theater. He wanted to go in the back while I wanted to go in the middle. When he was going to the back there was this one Natsu cosplayer who mumbled that he was one of the killers. He was in the middle of the theater, really close to me and he had a long gun. I yelled at my dad to come with me. A few other people heard so they scattered as well. I ran up and down the stares wandering around and I lost my dad. That thought pondered in my head but I didn't do anything. I went to a stairwell which took me down. It was most empty. I passed a guy who has harassed me in the past so I just glared at him. I ended up passing the murders. Apparently there was more than one and this time it was a girl. There were five. There were five ropes leading down a hole. I made it outside and it was night time. I was jumping off of things and running. There were people on patrol but everybody seemed as dead as zombies. People on bikes, people on foot, people anywhere. They were trying to catch people who were living and especially me. Before I woke up I saw a blank grey face, for some reason i want to say she was female. She had children on chains and collars. They were following her in a sloppy line which was supposed to be straight. They were chanting, "this is why you never go outside" and a few people on bikes saw me and froze and then peddled after me. they were grey as well. everyone's skin was grey except for mine.

My friend woke me up but I had a song playing clear as day in my head like a record but only I could hear it but I was trying so hard to pretend I was normal. I went into the living room and other people were there. I wanted to carry on partying but the others didn't like my manic behaviour. I decided I didn't like them so I went out for a walk. It was dark and I was waking down my high-street, it seemed like the background was in a loop, repeating the same shops I went passed. I even thought in my dream this was strange but I didn't care just kept walking. I was aware and untrustworthy of everyone that walked past me when I saw a dark figure of a man walk towards me and I stopped still scared. I turned my head and looked into an alleyway and there was an insane woman in a straight jacket being comforted by her sister telling her to calm down and hand herself in. The sister looked at me and I looked back at the man who was now closing in on me. Suddenly a white van parked up and put the man in a straight jacket and forced him into the van and drove I looked at the women in the ally way and laughed and said "he was proper mental!"

I looked out my window and suddenly i was walking down into a pasture and then i found out i was supposed to be working on a case about a cat,one particularly weird cat. I found myself at a tree where under it was an old man crying,the old man had a white long sleeved shirt on but was dirty from dirt on it and a pair of dirty old overhauls on over the shirt, he said he had an old cat named saidy ,apparently saidy had been “killed” so to speak. The old man told me that saidy was over there,and there she was laying in the pasture her body was scattered all over that particular area.The old cat was dismembered and was burnt,she looked like she had been burned and then dismembered but what bothered me was not the fact that the cat looked that way but that somebody would do something like that. The old man told me that it was a dark colored man wearing a green shirt and camouflage pants.By this disription i figured it was a african american the old man also told me he was about 6 ft probably so i’m guessing he was around his 30s,i still could not figure out what a guy like that would want with this old guy,but later on that morning i figued out the aparently i was a cat whisper? i guess,but anyhow they wanted to see if i could read the cat’s “death” i guess in other words ask the cat’s dead body how it died. So me and the old man went into the barn and he gave me her head,her head had been severely burnt and one of her eyes were missing her head was of course dismembered from her body and it was a little flakey, but never the less because she was tortured when she died her soul was still around so i asked her how she died and immediately an image of a cat popped up in my head running around in fire trying to escape and thats it i woke up!

(disclaimer: this is descriptive but not like in a sexual way) So it started off with her and I laying down right and we were at my house but it was a completely different house than my actual house and I was on my laptop and the mouse wouldn't work and she was laying right beside me and I tried to get it to work but it wouldn't and I got frustrated and she was on her phone but saw me and realized I was frustrated then I looked at her and I put the mouse down and I put my right hand on her the outside of her inner thigh and I remember us looking at each other and then it all faded then next thing I knew, we were at school but Zoe didnt pop up in this part of the dream, it was just me walking around the school and the school looked super modern and futuristic it was cool. but anyways, I start off in the cafeteria and I get up and walk up the stairs and I had Jan but everything was tilted like shifted to the right, horizontal and such it was trippy, so I go to the stairs and walk up to meet up with Julianne(whom I actually have Geometry with) so we meet and she's with Cory and Julianne says that Jan needed a stupid pass and is really passive aggressive about it, and ranting about Jan, but I however, don't say anything, but laugh and we all walk down the hallway together, to where you may ask? I have no clue but we all walk away side by side and everything fades to black again. After everything fades black, and I guess a new part of the dream is awakened, so do I. The black deceases and I woke up, back at my bed, wearing this nice grey t-shirt, with Zoe laying on my chest, trying to fall asleep. I look down at her and she is smiling at me as she runs her fingertips across my neck and pulls me closer to her. She runs her hands over my face, over my lips, we kiss, she lays back down, continuing her motions with her fingertips across my neck and my chest and it fades to black yet again. The black clears and I am back at the futuristicly modern school sitting in the cafeteria talk with you, Shania and 2 other people whos faces I couldn't make out. We are sitting there, you guys are talking but everything in my head goes silent and all I think about is Zoe as throughout the entire dream there is this narration of my voice talking about how beautiful she is, how much I loved her, how much she meant to me, etc etc and this rings out the entire dream whenever I or other people in the dream are not speaking except for in this case when the people around me are. I record the words that I hear in my head eluding whatever it is you guys are saying, going practically deaf to the conversation you guys are having and I get up, with the notes in my phone open, the date reading "February 23, 2016, and I get up and walk away and all I can hear is the sound of my own voice narrating my passion for her. As I am about to walk out of the cafeteria, I am abstractly scorned by Ms. McKinney, our 7th grade math teacher, but I do not hear a single word she has said as she goes on and on, all I can think about is the words in my notes and of course, Zoe. Once the scolding is done, the narration pauses for me to say "Okay" but quickly resumes after my speech and I shuffle around Ms. McKinney and continue walking out of the cafeteria doors happy as can be. It fades to black and I wake up but refuse to move in order to retain the details of the dream and here we are now. One of the craziest parts by far was that I felt everything. Every little thing in the dream I actually felt. I remember clearly, pretty much it all: me touching Zoe's thigh and the texture of her jeans, how the phone felt in my hands, when she touched me and was caressing me as I felt asleep, I remember it all, even how she looked at me, it all felt real

I was at work and noticed that I had a hair coming out of my palm on both my left and right hand. After looking at it for a while I started pulling it on both hands and the hair just kept coming out till it was about 10 cm long. Then from my index finger on both hands what i can only describe as a expendable antenna came out of the tips of my finer piercing through the skin. I started to panic and ran to what I thought was the doctors but somehow ended up home. I was with my parent's and Sister and when i tried to show them the Antenna looking thing ( Which by the way was pure white like it was made from bone) had retracted and I had small holes in the tips of my index fingers on both hands. I was examining the hole and held it up to the light and when I did so it looked ad if there were small tentacle looking things trying to reach for the light . When I moved it away from the light they would retract ever so slightly ( these were tiny and again white ) After this the skin on my hand slowly started to part and I was panicking but everyone around me was still and seemed as if what was happening to me was normal. As the skins fell away it exposed what should have been bones and muscle ect... but instead it was like my hands were made of small living white vines is what I would describe them as in the shape of a hand and hat the palm of where I made should have been was what looked like a white blossoming flower... again this appeared to be alive. After staring at my hands for a while what looked like skin started to regrow over the top of them but not in a normal skin colour ... kind of yellowish green colour. This is when the first words were said to me in the dream in which my mum said that this is going to sting. At that I felt that my hands started to tingle but then she said but it will be worse for your head. At that I woke up. I've not been able to really stop thinking about this dream since I had it and its still very clear in my head. Curious to know what this means and any help would be appreciated. Many Thanks

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