I was a famous guitarist and played with my band
The first thing I remember was being at home, getting ready for a dance. I got a dress shirt and suit. My dad drove me to my friend courtney's house, where me and a bunch of friends were meeting before the dance. I was inside, and I realized I had forgotten my tie. I asked my friend Thomas if he could drive me home so I could grab it. Courtney's dad told me not to bother, its not important. But I was self conscious so I still wanted to go home and grab my tie. Somebody asked me why I was here. Courtney must have heard, so she read the invitation letter out loud. It was a list of around fifteen people who had been invited, and at the end it said "and Andrew if he wants to come" (my name is Andrew) than she gave me a nervous smile, and I turned back to Thomas. I was annoyed that she had singled me out on the list, instead of just putting me with the other names. He agreed to drive me home, and we ended up at a tailgate. My friend Joe was there also, and we went around exploring at a fair for a bit, and bought some cinnamon covered pretzels that had way to much cinnamon, that kept going everywhere. We ended up back at Courtney's house, but I still didn't have my tie or my suit jacket, and I was really worried about it. We all were then outside a different house, and we went inside. we took an elevator down, the house was underground, so when we went back ouside we were inside a cavern. I was with a couple friends and my brother who all had random objects to defend themselves with. I lost a shield I had been using. I saw Courtney around the corner, so I asked my brother if I could borrow the guitar he was holding. He was annoyed so I took it from him. I went up to Courtney, who had claws for hands and was trying to kill me. I was holding her back with the guitar, and all I wanted to do was talk to her and apologize, and make everything right. She just laughed, and impaled me. I woke up.
I was playing guitar. The song varied from happy to sad. Suddenly I was in danger and this man was out to kill me. No one was their to protect me and I was all alone. The guy caught me and began to torture me.
Playing guitar
I had a dream that some one stole my guitar
A friend pretending to play a guitar
Someone broke my guitar
Playing guitar for my best friend
I dreamnt that I was in a street gang with my friend Alfred. Then Alfred went to jail and asked me to hold on to his notes from a guitar class that we took together. When he got out, I gave them back and he said thank you and set them on the ground. Then someone urinated on them and I got angry and started crying. Then I wathed a rival gang member get shot while driving a convertible.
I dreamed of trying to kick the ass of brian killion, i think logan, and some other peopl out of my house. by shoving them out the door,
shouting get outta my house!.and secondly a dream started with spiders tunneling through a guitar or going along some ramparts of a hot dog stand, being run in
thailand, by a former sons of anarchy member.