That my hands are as big as gloves and can't use them for any reason
Dreaming of sleeping in my ex-wifes bed, talking to her, then finding lots of my childrens gloves outside and swimming
My boyfriend gave me pair of new gloves
I had a dream that there was a gravel road I was driving on and I couldn't get through it so I turned around to go the other way and my car rolled down a hill and wrecked. Than I had a dream my boyfriend was being tortured his friend was cutting his arm, they wanted to kill him. They told me lets kill him. I tried to call 911 but I kept dialing the wrong numbers. I took his knife away as his friend was cutting his arm he had blue gloves on. I felt scared I woke up after throwing the knife back at him and running out the door and he threw the knife at me into the door than I woke up.
I went to meet my step dad at work and he asked me if I still have his gloves.
I keep on dreaming someone is trying to kill me. One dream someone tried to kill me with a syringe, another I was shot in the forehead but survived and last one someone was trying to strangle me with black gloves !