I had a dream about lizards eating frogs with snails arounf them. September 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was looking for frogs in the water and then a young lion cub appeared in the water by the frog. It saw me and came to me to play. I picked her up and she snuggled in my arms. I felt she was orphaned and needed me. I showed her to my friends to tell them I wanted to raise her. For a short time we discussed that she may someday not be safe to keep. I hugged her closely and then proceeded to play with her by throwing something in the water for her to fetch. We had fun. September 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
At my old house with my 2 cousins ashlie opens the back door and I close it before frogs come in. Frogs, flies both run into the houses structure and kill them selves. Then eagles did the same. finally horses killed them selves July 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I walked into a pet store to get a fish and there were a lot of very pretty fish I walked into the back of the store and there was a big fish that walked on land and it grabbed my leg and start quoting Bible verses at me about going to hell so I ran till I got to the front of the store where there was only one small blue fish left the rest of the fish in the tank had died I grabbed the fish and I ran outside. But outside there were all these frogs they were hairy frogs and when they coughed there would be more frogs coming out of her mouth they wouldnt hop either theyclimbed the walls July 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis