First off I was some guy who used to be in a relationship with an octopus/human mutant. I lived in a house the size of a dog house and one night mutant thing rang the doorbell. I let him in which I found out to be a mistake later. I was tackled and had suckers all over me while it went on about how I should be his again and he kept trying to get in my pants. I eventually got him out and locked the door back. Everynight he'd come back and sometimes I had so much noise that it'd wake me up and I'd lock the door and others didn't so he was able to drag me outside and try to get into my pants again. This happened multiple nights in a row so I simply didn't sleep. One night I decided I had enough of him groping me so I shoved him off and started running. I had ran before but he always gotten ahold of me. So this time I didn't run down the road like usual but cut through a park and then the road. I was able to keep away from it for a long time then it caught up with me. I killed it and it fell down and started to try to hit me with it's arm while holding a purple triangular flag. So I went around it and continued running. I eventually crossed a white line and met people who were my family in the dream and they told me I looked tired. I told them that my ex was being a stalker and told them what he'd been doing. And that's when I woke up. September 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was searching through data in a computer. i saw the letters PAx as my work place, my name and the flags of two countries June 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream was about the boy i liked and that i started talking to him and that suddenly we were in six flags with other friends that i dont even know exist and that when we entered six flags it looked like a theater but with games and a lot seats that you seat on and it suddenly takes you to the roller coster but then i turn around and i see the boy that i like dating another girl and that they were kissing and hugging and they were always together and everytime i saw them it made me like i wanted to cry and kill myself June 02, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream begins with me being at home checking my email on my phone. I had just received a message from the ACT company stating that I got a 24 on my test, which was a big deal to me because a 24 is what I needed to get in order to accepted into the college I want to go to. (My very first time taking the ACT was the day prior to this dream so I can understand why something that has been on my mind so much would be in my dream). Suddenly walking into my old middle school for class. I see a group of my friends and converse with them about my ACT scores and the bell for first period rings. So I start walking to class with my friends when I realize I am going in the complete opposite direction of where my class is located. So I turn around to run to class before first hour starts and I drop my backpack and all its contents spill out into the hallway. I bend down to start picking them up and a friend (Carolyn) begins to help me. Then the fire alarm goes off and all of my friends seem extremely confused, as am I. A teacher that had been walking our way says it's just a drill and tells us to proceed outside. Well as I begin walking out the doors, there is a giant crashing sound and my friend Carolyn turns and yells at me,“Allison! They're saying this isn't a drill and we need to go to the office!” This threw me off because anyone with a half a brain would know that during a fire you are supposed to exit the building, not hide in the office. But Carolyn ran inside so I went after her to pull her back outside. When I reach the doors and get inside the school Carolyn is already at the end of the hallway and turning the corner and I continue after her. But I am running excruciatingly slow. When I finally reach the corner I turn into this gargantuan lobby, where students and teachers are running around like mad. Up on the walls I notice the giant steaming tanks, they resemble water tanks in a way. Each one has a giant light on them and the two of them are flashing red and steaming. The third ones light was glowing green but then begins to flash red as well. So, I'm fighting my way through the crowd and yelling at people to evacuate the building, and trying to get to the front office to see if Carolyn is in there. When I reach the office every one inside is very calm acting and trying to figure out what is wrong. To my right there is a giant black window, the kind that is see through but only on one side. I assumed it was a window that my principal looked through to make sure the office ladies were doing their job. So I ran into my principal's office and he is not there, I look beneath his desk to see if Carolyn is hiding there, but she isn't. Eventually I give up and bolt out the front doors of the school and down the street. As I am running I hear the sound of a giant explosion but I dont look back at the school. Then, I begin thinking to myself, “I know how this dream ends. I'll be running down the street and someone will try to abduct me. Because this has happened to me in past dreams.” Thankfully that was not the case, because quite frankly I am sick of kidnapping dreams too. I see a taxi driving down the street and I flag it down. The driver stops abruptly in the middle of busy traffic and I run towards it. As I climb into the passenger seat, a man driving a mini van behind the taxi yells, “Your driver is drunk!” I peer into the car and the woman behind the wheel does appear to be intoxicated and the silver flask in her right hand doesn't make thing seem any better. I turn to the man and say, “Well would you like to drive me?” I then climb into the car and tell the taxi driver I needed her to take me to the police station so I can report the explosion and then to my mothers work so I can tell her what happened. Also I notice that I have no money with me so I tell the driver, “I can't pay you right now because I don't have any money, but I will pay you when I get to my mom.” The driver seems a little agitated at first about not being paid immediately but she warms up to me. As we are driving around the town I notice that we are passing iconic places that have happened in my dreams. *** you see in my dreams, any place that I visit is a somewhat more twisted version of the real life one. For example I had a dream recently about a local amusement park and the park wasn't the exact same as it was in my dreams.*** I guess we really did take a scenic route because night fall was nearing and the driver took a wrong turn, and we came to a dead end. Once again I assumed this dream would turn into a nightmare, but she just turned around and went the right way. The driver was a very friendly latina woman, we talked about our lives and family and etc. Finally I come home and I run inside and the woman leaves. I remember thinking about how I forgot to pay her, but I got over it. So the dream skips forward a bit, I can't remember what exactly happened between these two parts but the second part is a recurring dream. I am hanging out with another good friend of mine and both of our dads. I am currently texting a boy that I guess I had a fling with in the past? Maybe another dream? Anyways we are talking and I am debating to pursue this kid in a romantic way but I have a lot of commitment issues so I am extremely hesitant. The boy is from another town and suddenly I am driving the kid back to his house, but before we can get on the high way to take him home an officer stops me and tells me I cant drive this boy home because he doesn't have a permit.. There is some sort of giant prison in the background casting a shadow, and something is written on the building in white paint but I can't remember what it was. Then I go into some sort of montage featuring all the officers that have stopped us on our multiple attempts to leave the town and take the boy home. Suddenly I'm at the top of a platform that is equal height with the prison building next to us. In front of me are thin, and steep winding roads. A tall women with white hair in a pixie cuts jumps onto a motorcycle resembling the kinds from the movie Tron. I immediately take after her, chasing her down. I don't know the woman but my gut is telling me to chase her down. Suddenly my motorcycle hits a bump and flies into the air, I hit a helicopter that is flying about and speculating the chase. I get a glimpse of the woman sighing and saying “Thank god she is finally dead.” But I'm not. I emerge from the helicopter and accidentally fall into a building. I'm in this purple room that looks like a young girls room. The lighting makes it seem like its about 2 in the afternoon, I wouldn't know because something giant and purple is blocking the window. I look closely and its a pile of toys. All sorts of stuffed animals are being crammed up against the window. I know that the only way out of this room is by getting out of the window, so rip the blinds of the wall and open the window as high as it will go. I begin pulling stuffed animals through to make room for me to crawl through. Finally I've created a hole and make my way to the top of the pile. Finally when I am standing on top of the pile there are all these children playing in it. Almost excitedly because they had the toys taken from them and I am returning them. The pile suddenly shifts downwards into another old dilapidated building. To my left through a giant hole in the wall I can hear the evil white haired woman talking to me. Sarcastically congratulating me for bringing happiness and toys to the kids around me. She then goes on about this massive weapon that she cant wait to use on me in the other room. I proceed in there and lo and behold there is some sort of laser standing in front of us. But before she can kill me these kids all join up on her and attack her with the toys and we eventually end up pushing her down a hold in the floor to her ultimate demise. And then I wake up. December 15, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was doing a scavenger hunt hosted by two of my favorite fictional characters. The scavenger hunt was with my best friend, and we were on a huge playground. We ran around for hours, finding things like flags, rope, and a torch. We ended up in an area full of sand, digging around for something so we could win. I kept pulling out dvd's from the sand, and my friend was really excited about it October 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Brahmakumaris function, I living in a hostel, Kritika says that she got married, I am on the phone, Brahmakumaris People said we have a function, please come out... with a flag... 2 ladies.. I said "We are students of architecture doesnt mean all we do is to sit and plan for you." And I then made fun of them. In this attempt, one of the attendants came in- we had fight- I got a gun and I killed him.. both of them I guess. I ran. The dream then became that instead of me, it was apooorva/? the killer. The fat lady now becomes the girl from Teens React TO. Now, they both run and run No, before that: I was walking on the road holding a cigarette butt. I dropped it. This was seen by the man who supposedly knew that I had killed. He charged me 40 rupees for throwing off the cigarette. I said I dont have any. I walked away as he kept shouting. I entered a building, most probably the same hostel with dim lights where the murder had occured. I feared that she was coming for me. Cut2: She vs apoorva/the famous girl were dancing to a tune.. the dance was very sensuous.. They were descending from the Department of ARP's back stairs... and soon as they stepped to the ARP BT buffer space, the fat lady pulled out a knife, and maybe apoorva/kritika freaked out and tried to run. She threw off the knife and it stuck in to the road. She ran and ran. I saw my shoes torn. The black ones. I probably was lucid dreaming then, or something. I thought that these were from the olden times. I basically had no sense if it was reaLITY or virtual world. It was creepy. September 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Had a dream that Jill and I haven’t seen each other since our last fight (which would have been the end of August 2013) but we still somehow ended up at a hotel getting married. I remember riding a bus, tram or train from what I assume was the airport (not sure) with her family members and Jimmy Mumby from work. Most of the family seemed a bit redneck, but Jimmy brought out weed and all her family member went crazy trying to smoke it, and even some seemed to have a new method of turning into liquid, and drinking it through a straw. I remember how uncomfortable I felt and I wanted to get away but I was trapped. The driver came back and began handing out what looked like strings with some sort of stick or straw and telling the guys who were smoking that they were going to have to swallow them. I felt relieved thinking he was going to stop them from smoking, but then he yelled out “Just kidding” smoke them if you got them, or something like that, laughed and went back to driving. The driver was wearing the stereotypical blue pants, driver’s hat and he had a mustache. When I got to the hotel I didn’t know what was going on or how I ended up being in the situation of marrying someone that I haven’t spoken too for months. I remember seeing her in her wedding dress (the old one from when she was 18) and seeing some of her bride’s maids in inappropriate bride’s maid dresses. One bride’s maid had a white dress that was cut to show a lot of skin, bra and panties could be seen. I was suddenly rushed by my mom to change into my suite (cannot remember the exact color but I know it was dark). Something happened to my shirt, can’t really remember but I spilled or dropped something on it, because I remember trying to rub it off. Next thing I know I was shirtless standing in front where the altar would be and a crowd was gathering in the seats and people were pushing me to the front as a protested about being shirtless. I remember still being confused about what I was doing or how I got myself in that position. I remember feeling anxiety about the hair that might be seen on my back. I remember thinking that I didn’t want to waste everyone’s time and money and feeling pressured to go through with it, and every time I attempted to discuss things with Jill, she wouldn’t acknowledge me, with the exception of telling me what she wanted and how she wanted it to go down. She seemed happy, or at least to everyone else, but we still didn’t talk. I remember feeling pressured about the vows because I wasn’t sure what to say to someone that hurt me so badly and haven’t spoken too in the last six months, but didn’t want to let everyone down. Everything seemed to be rushed as if “if it doesn’t happen right now it will never happen”. Her family seemed to be wearing country clothes including camouflage hats, had beards and yelled or talked super loud. September 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had to get across a huge gap that led to rocky waters. I failed the jump the first time but I didn't know about the gap at that point. Every time I hit the water, it was like a restart. A check point like in a video game. There was train tracks but I couldn't take them because each time I walked passed there, Nazis were on the tracks. Modern day Nazis. I didn't see a flag or anything but I just knew so I would jump in the water to end up on the other side. One time, I jumped and they found me but because they thought I was dead, they let me go and I restarted on ground again. the second time, I jumped, was knocked unconscious and when I woke up, the Nazis were around me. I couldn't hold my breath any more and I moved. They took me hostage, my parents, were white although I'm African American to the fullest. The Nazis had me on a public city bus and after deciding it wasn't safe to let me go, I was shot in the head followed by a rain of gunfire from machine guns. Then I was outside myself, when the head flew up, on the body that was initially me, it was a random, heavy set Caucasian man. It zoomed out and it ended up being a television show but I was still saying that I was shot when I just finished seeing this man in my place. May 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Had a dream that i was in the passenger seat while ex boyfriend was driving cash through multiple stores while yelling how stressed out he was, then the police were looking for us he digged me and hid car and camouflage his self while l run in together the girl scout February 06, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis