I saw my unborn son at around the age of 8 or 9. We both held our hands up and the fingernails were identicle. Then someone set a car on fire and I grabbed him and ran away to protect him. Then he turned into my unborn daughter around the same age. I then saw a painting with (2) elephants sitting on top of one another.
A lover asking me to scratch their back but i cant because i have no fingernails
I had a dream that I went to this very very old man with long fingernails, who lived in a
hammock like bed and i asked him to kill my half sister. He looked at us and started saying something then said it was done and rolled up like a cocoon.
I was learning to hunt, and my father told me to show no mercy, and to just kill it. I guess, to ignore the bad feeling I got when doing it. So I was going towards a bird, sitting on a rock and eating, underneath shallow water. I went up to it, and slashed my hand across its belly. I ripped out its innards, and I could feel its heart beating against my hand before it died. I think I got rid of the part I ripped out, and took the rest of the dead body home. I may have gone back for the rest, but when I took it home, it was gone. For the rest of the dream, I felt the innards of the bird in my fingernails. It was wet and gooey, and I think it was white / yellow / clear, even though I suppose it should have been red.
Dirty fingernails
Painted fingernails
I saw my unborn son. We both held our hands up and the fingernails were identicle. Then someone set a car on fire and I grabbed him and ran away to protect him. Then he turned into my unborn daughter around the same age. I then saw a painting with (2) elephants sitting on top of one another.