I'm looking at this log building, thinking to buy it for a shop, as I walk around it I find myself in a field, there's a buck, not especially huge but intimidating. It charges at me. Just as its about to hit me, I duck down. It trips over me, rolls and stands back up for another attack. I'm thinking that won't work again, and start judging my chances of making a run for this barbed wire fence, probably 10 feet from the 2 of us. It starts to attack again, then it spreads its front legs like a bow, the impression is that I'm supposed to do the same. I'm still on the ground so I spread my hands in imitation. Feels more like respect, not so much like worship, although after I wake up I feel great fear that it could or would be interpreted that way. Then this dog comes running in. The dog distracts it. I run for the fence. Then 2 other dogs join the deer chase with the first dog. I end up in a barn while the dogs are chasing the buck outside. Then this Grizzly Adamsish guy comes in carrying one of the dogs, its eye is mutilated. The guy starts going off about not being where I'm supposed to be, then almost cries as he's holding the dog. Once the dog dies, he takes out a knive and cleaves it open around the spinal column, pulls the spinal column free, then I almost wake up, my mind vibrates, and I get the impression I need to make a wish, I do, then fully wake up, feeling relieved. Although concerned about whether I bowed to the deer or not. June 03, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm looking at this log building, thinking to buy it for a shop, as I walk around it I find myself in a field, there's a buck, not especially huge but intimidating. It attacks me. Just as its about to hit me, I duck down. It trips over me, rolls and stands back up for another attack. I'm thinking that won't work again, and start judging my chances of making a run for this barbed wire fence, probably 10 feet from the 2 of us. It starts to attack again, then this dog comes running in. The dog distracts it. I run for the fence. Then 2 other dogs join the deer chase with the first dog. I end up in a barn while the dogs are chasing the buck outside. Then this Grizzly Adamsish guy comes in carrying one of the dogs, its eye is mutilated. The guy starts going off about not being where I'm supposed to be, then almost cries as he's holding the dog. Once the dog dies, he takes out a knive and cleaves it open around the spinal column, pulls the spinal column free, then I almost wake up, my mind vibrates, and I get the impression I need to make a wish, I do, then fully wake up, feeling relieved. June 03, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in our living room and the ceiling was completely roofless, the woman whispered, “the one who looks at the moon cries.” I rushed to our bathroom only to realize that I was really crying for no reason. August 01, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
im in an amazingly beautiful house and there is a party going on and i see a man named jessie call me honey and kisses me. 3 girls about 8 years old call me mommy and a little baby boy about 3 years younger than the girls cries and calls me mommy. i suddenly fall or faint im not sure which but i can still see and hear everyone. jessie picks me up and tells me a to say a spell so appearently i am a good witch or something like that. June 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in an epic sword battle dressed as a knight all in black. People fighting all around me. A knight dressed in gold approaches me. We start to fight. My sword engulfed in blue flame his in red flame. We almost know what each other were going to do before we did it. Wounding each other badly as many of my allies fell. I look around and feel like all is lost. As someone cries out "SAINT" I respond with a roaring battle cry, raising my sword then dropping to my knees and plugging the sword straight into the earth. Right after this happened an explosion goes off that opens the earth. I pan out to see a huge mushroom cloud then pan back in to see the earth open swallowing my enemies army whole. Everything goes black as I start to wake up to see my closest allies standing next to me. My breathing was shallow I knew I was dyeing as said a few things to my friends then close my eyes....and the dream is over. June 24, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in an epic sword battle dressed as a knight all in black. People fighting all around me. A knight dressed in gold approaches me. We start to fight. My sword incased in blue flame his in red flame. We almost know what each other were going to do before we did it. Wounding each other badly as many of my allies fell. I look around and feel like all is lost. As someone cries out "SAINT" I respond with a roaring battle cry, raising my sword then dropping to my knees and plugging the sword straight into the earth. Right after this happened an explosion goes off that opens the earth. I pan out to see a huge mushroom cloud then pan back in to see the earth open swallowing my enemies army whole. Everything goes black as I start to wake up to see my closest allies standing next to me. My breathing was shallow I knew I was dyeing as said a few things to my friends then close my eyes....and the dream is over. June 24, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis