And old friend, talking and charming, cartoonish face paint upon him. butterflies, the colors green and purple.... flirting and sex..? driving all around a rural town in a truck, searching, chasing, running... a moth held in my hands so small fragile and delicate, you're mine now. August 13, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Sense of discomfort. cartoonish face of woman on a guilt. she is the reason for the problem. she is found out she starts running. I run after her, chanting Nam Myoho renge Kyo. September 12, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Intruder. Someone spying. Lion transforms into a human and back. Cartoon August 29, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Mike (ex), Volcano, water, oil spilling, carpet dirty, cartoon, tattooing (ex) arm, seeing the word (sexual), treats (snacks), flowers August 14, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Ufo landing on the grass outside my french doors and a cartoon carretor looks through window May 04, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
The clouds were black and i was with my grade 2 class walking around the block from the school. I rushed to the other teacher and let her know we should go faster because of the dark clouds. Everyone rushed back to the school, but i was still there and the sun came out and was on the ground, so close and so big and bright and a loud noise started. Then bursts of light or flames came rushing toward me and my son so i picked him up and we sat on a vegetable cart behind us and i shielded my eyes and his because it was a solar eclipse. March 23, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
My school sits in the chapel and a girl I have a crush on sits beside me. Then the principle makes an announcement. Now i was also sitting beside some of my other friends and we had to make a project for the queen of England. After we finished, we won. My team was carter, Darien and Megan. We hi fived each other but when I hi fived Megan, she didn't let go. Then I asked her why she wouldn't let go and she said, "Your my only chance to see the queen". I didn't know why, but I went with her anyways. She got to see the queen and thanked me and we left the chapel and went back to our classroom. March 12, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream my mom complained of hearing creepy sounds at 5:00 every morning from my brothers alarm clock and when she asked him about he said he didn't know how to make it stop. So I woke up early so I could hear it and It sounded like we were picking up someones walkie talkie signal. It started out as static then a baby giggling, that lasted for like 30 seconds then it went back to static. after the static was over you her crashing and falling and finally one loud crash and a woman scream then back to static. Then static seemed to go on really long, but then it pick up a low buzzing sounding voice, It was definitely a man. He was speaking very fast and it wasn't English, it sounded German to me. He abruptly stopped talking and it was silent, no static or anything. That was the end of the sounds that played every morning at 5:00 on the dot. So later that day I decided to search the web, to see if I could find anything similar and I came across a video. I clicked on it and it started put as static then a distorted video of a giggling baby began to play then it went back to static, then an old style cartoon began to play all of this was in black and white by the way anyway this woman in the was being push down and into things by other people and she slammed into a trash can of sorts and screamed, through out this whole cartoon segment there was text across the top which I assume was German writing but I'm not for sure. Her scream was cut off by more static, a long period of static. Then the screen went completely black and the deep German speaking began, he was speaking just as fast and after awhile he stopped abruptly and the screen stayed black and one word popped up in the center of the blackness I believe was a German word but I can't remember what it said or what the character in it looked like. But after the end of the video I woke up and the creepy voice has been stuck in my head all day. January 29, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
In in a wooden mine cart that is on rails in a tunnel or shaft that is going too fast and I cant control it April 10, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a warehouse and I hope in the shopping cart then my mom pushed me into a self of the warehouse (the warehouse was almost like lowes) and as soon as she pushed me she started rolling down a hill and like 5 seconds later her head exploded and my sister and dad clapped for her and were laughing. March 01, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis