My class was visiting a museum that showed how they taxidermied cows. But when we got there there was a giant, dark wall that had more taxidermied animals and humans. The humans kind of looked like dolls or manikins. It was super creepy. August 27, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Battle. Father killed. Trying for peace. Childhood home. Raccoon and lemur in garden. Animals. Lemur trying to get in. Turns blue and gets bigger. Become motherly towards it. Trying to find it a home July 23, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a barn on country property and it was dusk. In the barn was a grey cat sitting in the middlle and surrounded by other animals like mice birds.suddendly looking around i saw seven golden and brown snakes wiggling just under surface of the ground heading towards the cat and it suddenly struck and wi ded itself around the cat but I tapped the snake lightly and said leave the cat alone. The snake stopped and chased the other animals in the barn. More snakes appeared and killing off the animals. They all stopped and looked at me and disappeared.But it didn’t scare and the cat survived June 01, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with my dead mother in law and my alive father in law in a house. I was looking outside and a large animals had their dog hanging upside down and then drops the dog. I can hear the dog screaming and I pause the tv to go outside and downstairs to see the dog. My mother in law is there knelt down crying her hands in blood. The dog is hurt on the back half and comes to me past my mother in law. My mother in law says it has been such a hard month. I respond in my head asking her why it was hard for her? She says but is t the blood beautiful. March 26, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
So Idk if I was driving a police car or not but I was driving on the passenger side or shotgun. So I was at this house and for some reason, I was looking at some scarecrows. But then I think Selena Gomez, yes I know a celebrity was there. Burning down the house and we had to get all the animals out of there. Mostly chickens. I had this dream before and Some house I knew how t stop the house from burning down. So then once all the animals were safe and sound we went to our car but it was gone. And for some reason, we knew that the celebrity had taken it. So we were searching a car and well the only car that was there was the police car and my Dad for some reason he doesn't live with us anymore. and somehow my sister and brother appear out of nowhere. Took the car and we drove to these stores in which I can not remember. And so the police owner of the car and found us through his GPA and my dad was trying to talk to him but couldn't so I snatched it from him and talked to the police guy. and that's about it October 01, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was driving to work, I noticed as I passed by a bad wreck. The car had hit a telephone pole causing total damage to the front end. People surrounded the car. But I continued on to work. As I was pulling into my my jobs parking lot I noticed a female lion running about. That's when I noticed A mother horse dead with her throat ripped out. Her baby was at her feet writhing from the pain that it's mother was dead. As i began to look around I noticed several horses scattered around dead. My job has nothing to do with animals of any kind. Then I noticed a small mound of dirt and twigs I don't know why but I started digging under it and found a live infant so skinny with a white dress with blue flowers. June 02, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was walking on a tight rope with a little girl and her dad and she almost fell but I saved her and there were alligators and dangerous animals in he water. April 17, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Okay. So my friend from England came to town. But somehow I was at his house. We didn't stay there long because I had to get to school. His sister gave me a beer for the road, which I took to biology class with me. English friend came to class with me. Beer too. That was part one. The second part of the dream involves a friend showing us that if you get in the freezer and close the door and truly believe, then God will give you cash in hand. My English buddy gave me a tiny animals themed "rocking horse." I was rocking on it while we were singing him happy birthday in the last scene of the dream. My crotch was on display. April 04, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis