Understand My Dreams

Dreams afternoon

My ex lover came came over for a surprise visit on a sunny afternoon and watched me wash my vehicle a truck silver 1999 dodge durango then grabbed a hose and sprayed me she started laughing in my dream i acted like i was in shock or surprised and started to cry out of joy and happiness she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her and hugged me then she held me and we kissed after in the late afternoon we were driving and she reached over to hold my hand we parked the vehicle at the back end of a parking lot she got out and she opened my door then then held my hand while we were walking to across the parking lot we were at a chinese restaurant she had long brown straight hair with some curls brown eyes and white smile her skin was a bronze color i was driving in north direction then east

My ex lover came came over for a surprise visit on a sunny afternoon and watched me wash my vehicle a truck silver 1999 dodge durango then grabbed a hose and sprayed me she started laughing in my dream i acted like i was in shock or surprised and started to cry out of joy and happiness she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her and hugged me then she held me and we kissed after in the late afternoon we were driving and she reached over to hold my hand we parked the vehicle at the back end of a parking lot she got out and she opened my door then then held my hand while we were walking to across the parking lot we were at a Chinese restaurant she had long brown straight hair with some curls brown eyes and white smile her skin was a bronze color

My ex lover came came over for a surprise visit and watched me wash my vehicle,a truck, silver 1999 dodge durango then grabbed a hose and sprayed me she started laughing in my dream. i acted like i was in shock or surprised and started to cry out of joy and happiness she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her and hugged me then she held me and we kissed. after, in the late afternoon, we were driving and she reached over to hold my hand. we parked the vehicle at the back end of a parking lot she got out and she opened my door then then held my hand while we were walking to across the parking lot. we were at a chinnese restaurant she had long brown straight hair with some curls brown eyes and white smile. her skin was a bronze color.

I have decided to ask this question while the dream is still vivid in my mind, i went to sleep at like 6 AM this morning and woke up at 10 AM. Than drifted in and out of sleep. I had a bad dream where there was this Mesquito/wasp that kept flying around, what i think was my right hand and it kept stinging my right hand and flying around it, I ran so that the bug couldn't keep stinging me,but no matter how much i tried to run it kept flying around my hand stinging me,the stinging got so bad that i tried to go to the police,a police motorcycle drove down the street and I waved at him to stop but he didn't he kept on going,i ran down to the end of my street to try to get to a police station for them to stop the stinging,i saw one of my aunt's and one of my uncle's at the end of the street corner, there was a tall field of grass at the end of it, my uncle wanted to lay down in it. I talked to him while he was trying to lay down in it and he said "now you know how i feel" or something i don't remember the full conversation,and than a angel appeared and said "get over it" i think,and he made the bug disappear,but just before it disappeared i could see myself laying down on a table naked, than it injected me with something,and then my eyes turned black(i don't think this happened at the time in the dream that I'm talking about,but i do remember this happening) than it stopped stinging me and i woke up. what did this dream mean? please note that, I don't dream, i just go to sleep,than it turns black for 2 seconds than i wake up and it's morning,could it be a Mesquito stung me while i was asleep? or something else i woke up at 12:16 PM afternoon and didn't go back to sleep. It is now 12:42 PM

My ex lover came came over for a surprise visit on a sunny afternoon and watched me wash my vehicle a truck silver 1999 dodge durango then grabbed a hose and sprayed me she started laughing in my dream i acted like i was in shock or surprised and started to cry out of joy and happiness she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her and hugged me then she held me and we kissed after in the late afternoon we were driving and she reached over to hold my hand we parked the vehicle at the back end of a parking lot she got out and she opened my door then then held my hand while we were walking to across the parking lot we were at a chinese restaurant she had long brown straight hair with some curls brown eyes and white smile her skin was a bronze color. I was driving north, then east

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