Understand My Dreams

Dreams pictures

I was inside my parents home, when i heard my mom trying to open the door to the side of the house. Instead, she took the key out and decided to open the front door. She was with her aunts and uncles, that I don't recognize in my dream. I went outside to see if they were ok and my mother had a sad face. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she just found out that my I'll grandmother has cancer. I asked her who told her and she said my uncle, whom is her brother, told her. Then, suddenly my other grandmother comes dressed all in black and my aunt starts taking pictures of us. My sister was behind us trying to get in the picture. I asked my aunt why she was taking the picture and she said it's for memories because you never know what will happen tp us one day and that if my elderly grandmother passes away, at least we have a picture together.

I was in a house with my finacee, his sister, and another guy. My fiancee was suppose to be watching our daughter but he wasn't. A cop had came to our house to check up on everything and when he was walking down the stairs I tries to seduce him but he said no. At that time I realized my daughter was missing so I asked my sister in law where she was and she said at you old house that she locked her in the bathroom. I started running to get her and there was all kinds of obstacles to jump over and under. I had to climb across a long set of monkey bars that was over a huge body of water. when I got to the end of the money bar I had to jump down into the water. My daughter seen me and she was in the window of my old childhood house. Somehow she ended up outside and trying to get to be but there was a cliff. I jumped off the monkey bars into the water but the water wasn't really deep. I could reach the ground but it looked so deep. I swam as fast as I could to get to by daughter before she feel off the cliff into the water. Once I got to her I went into my childhood house and walked up two set of stairs and looked at old pictures on the walls. There was music playing really loud in the background. I got to the bathroom where my daughter was supposly locked in and seen all kinds of broken class and dirt. The house looked like an house that people would do all kinds of drugs in.

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