Understand My Dreams

Dreams parents

I was in a foreign country with my boyfriend and it was really scary and dangerous i told him let’s go to the airport but nobody would listen to me there were explosions all around me and the floor started to shake and doorways fell down then the floor was on fire and people started dying my parents died my baby child was scared i told my child i would protect and never leave him again a girl who my boyfriend talks to all the time was there random girls who are best friends were there customs accused me and my boyfriend of false crimes my boyfriend confessed his love to another girl and told me he was cheating on me and had sex with her then he told me to get over it

I was in a foreign country with my boyfriend and it was really scary and dangerous. I told him let’s go to the airport, but nobody would listen to me. There were explosions all around me and the floor started to shake and doorways fell down. Then the floor was on fire and people started dying. My parents died. My child was scared. I told my child I would protect and never leave him again. A girl who my boyfriend talks to all the time was there. Random girls who are best friends were there. Customs accused me and my boyfriend of false crimes. My boyfriend confessed his love to another girl and told me he was cheating on me and had sex with her. Then he told me to get over it.

There was a huge family get together at my grandparents house in Northern Minnesota. The house looked like it was redone. I was happy and having fun. I get a call saying i have a surprise basketball practice. I get angry because i have to leave my family early. I get to basketball and all practice was was a team meeting saying the president of South Korea was coming to town and everyone had jobs to help out. My job was i had to host him for dinner. I got mad because i thought it was stupid and i could've been told trough text.

Satday nite, prior to that i had a argument with my parents n havent spoken to them since dat same nite before sleeping i said a short prayer n in it i ask god to show me a sign. Icut my dream short a man gave me a picture of fire people burning i assumed it as hell. He told me hel make it realistic in a building sort f like a museum. Meanwhile ihe took me in there and boom it felt so real the picture i saw came to life in this building i was so scared seeing people burn the heat i forced myself to walk through this building till the end and at the door stood this man once i made it put i dropd on my knees crying. Then today i had a short sleep and dreamt of floods war and fire rocks shooting from the sky...please help me understand this dream im scared to sleep n see another dream that associates with this

I was running from the cops in my old neighborhood and went to my ex's parents house and at first when I knocked on the glass slider they didn't hear me. so I knocked harder and my ex and his dad let me in. I was breathing so hard because I ran the whole way there. I then decided to leave and try to run home since I only lived two streets over. I got about a street over and saw a cop car and layer in somebody's lawn. I decided that the safest place for me was at my ex's house with him and his parents. When I went back it was just my ex that was awake and he took me in and calmed me down. I saw a wolf outside the window and pointed it out to him. He said it was raccoon. Then I explained that the police were coming for me and that I was innocent. He took me to the basement where his room used to be and let his mother know what was going on. He then held me tight and kept me calm. The police came looking for me and his mother handled it and covered for me!

, La m阭e ann閑, tre settimane fa, appena sopra le stime. Aimée des jeunes téléspectateurs. "Ils ont des rles moins importants (que Vivienne)". Walter Veltroni alla? direi, En parall鑜e de Broadway elle se lance dans le cin閙a En 1969 elle est nomm閑 aux Oscar pour Sterile Cuckoo mais obtient finalement la statuette (comme ses parents avant elle) pour Cabaret en 1972 Elle est alors en couverture de Time et Newsweek la m阭e semaine un exploit rest?in間al镚rande star des ann閑s soixante-dix Liza est parvenue ?rester sur le devant de la sc鑞e jusqu掄 aujourd抙ui Elle fait aussi la une des journaux people avec quatre mariages termin閟 par quatre divorces a, concoct?par Timbaland et son 閝uipe. Mens Nike Free Run 3

I suddenly appeared in the center of a carinval a week after I died. My best friend was happy after she found Me there and hugged me and cried, but I was practically empty, I felt no love or fear. I had been torn out of heaven For some reason and everyone was so happy I was alive, but I just wanted to find out how I was ressurected and why. I lived with my parents and my dads mentally challenged step brother. Everyone in town treated me like a miracle and Then people started dissapearing from town and turing up dead, and I figured out that my step uncle was the serial killer and that my parents had been oblivious for years. I went to my old childhood friend's house to tell her I was alive and she asked what heaven was like, and I told her all I remembered was warmth and rest. I went home after confessing I came back from the dead wrong and then my step uncle tried to kill me and my family, only letting me stall because my previous death and screwed up past intrested him. I was finally able to get and then got emancipated from my parents.

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