Getting slapped in the face by boyfriend
A statue of mary was on the wall and suddenly it speaks and telss that all will be alright for you.then suddenly the mary's statue comes n falls on my lap.
I had a dream my ex wife slapped me across the face
I had a dream my girlfriend was sitting on somebody else's lap in front of me
I'm crying hysterically holding a shadow in my lap
I was play fighting with nmy friend i slap him he roll over and die i was so frightening i left him there when home then two days later the police pick me up but as they where taking me away my partner was outside taking care of a wall of flowers then i realise i had not told him what happpen
It's bright and sunny day. i'm standing on terrace or balcony outside and i see airplane' broken wing falling from the air, next moment i see huge plane falling and i m getting horrified as it seems like it will crash very near me, but instead it crashes behind hill in front of me. there is big, bright explosion , and as a result i see earth moving and shaking from detonation.I live in skyscraper on 30th floor and was expecting building to collapse, but when i run inside apartment nothing happens. we are safe.
Sorry for broken english. i m not native english speaker.
Me and my boyfriend had an argument and he slapped me. I left room but he came in and threw something at my throat. I tried to call my mum for help but I was dying.
Vacation, Met new people, on a gazebo raised on stilts, a big wave comes in and takes out the stilts. Structure collapse with all of us inside it. Water rushes in, make It to the exit and swim to escape. Try to run inside home but Ex-Girlfriend blocks the way. Walk away from the house. Carrying building material along a busy highway. I walk through several construction sites, building houses. I reach a large rest area/carwash, with a lot of bathrooms. It's a gas station. Theres a lawn mower with tank treds.
I dreamt i saw plenty of angels in the sky flapping their wings