Understand My Dreams

Dreams till

I was with my ex- boyfriend and his daughter at a playground, when he started acting crazy, so I drove away but I still had his daughter's coat, bag and car seat in my car. I worried she would be cold and was annoyed at my ex boyfriend for not being worried. Later I was in a giant school, cafeteria in England where my new boyfriend , one I had never met, was with me telling me how to get away from vampires, we were big chased by vampires and there were other people with us who kept getting killed by the vampires. We finally reached the cafeteria where we were safe but I tried to buy lunch and the lady behind the register kept getting angry at me and people were still being killed by the vampires.

I running in a green grass filed and there was this huge tall tree with big thick branches and lots of green leaves i was standing underneath it and look up and saw that it reach up into the sky and you can barley see the night sky i was thinking wow how beatiful this tree is it must been around for a long time welll i was running from somthing that made me feel like i had to be careful and watch my back so i saw my step dad who has passed away watering the grass and he was talking to me about something and i was helping him pick up the yard and i saw a baby tree laying on the floor with it roots out the grown and my dad said put it in the grwon and it will grow up like the big tree over ther so i planted the baby tree and then some flaying bugs that were killer bees cross over with termites that when they stunk you . you died swarming around us and my dad was wetinging them and i ran to the big tree and grab a water hose and started spraying them in a circler motion apove my head and then i ran to my dad and he was still watering the grass and said the water kills them and i saw my baby tree that i plated little biger tilted out the grtound and my dad said it a goner and stop watering it and i yalled out and ran toward the baby tree and said no it still can be saved and i picked it up and the roots were alll stringand shreed it and i look up and saw a whole millions of bees/termites coming out the trunk of the tree and i started wetting the trunk and the leaves and they wer flying all around me and i wouldnt runaway i didnt care if i got stunk and died i tryed my best to not get stunk and save the baby tree but i had to run to the big tree before they got to that one and killed the last one because if it dead that ment the tree was are onlything that was keeping our world alive becasue the everything around us was distroyed so i hurry up and grab the water hose turn the water high and startted soaking the tunk of the tree and branches and flying over me were the brossbread of bees termites and i was spraying as much as i can and then i started climing the branches trying to reach as far to the top of the old tree to save as much as i can

Victoria Lim: Me and Alex going out.. then Emest want to go but not bringing him along.. so when we go off he let go of maid hand and keep running saying mummy and daddy along the road.. I hear him screaming and when I look seem like he running blinding to look for us.. so I shouted Alex and ask him pull over and I run out of the call. He is opposite side lane.. then I shout for him.. he still Keep running so I dash across the road without looking out for car then I suddenly tot of don't know got car that moment I woke up.. and while he is running.. there a old lady taking umbrellas walking behind him, look like ah Ma.. and the road that I dream is outside my Hougang house there..

Souvent on découvre malheureusement le bricolage en plomberie par une fuite, un problème d'évacuation bouchée ou un mécanisme de chasse défectueux... Ce sont en généralement des interventions urgentes ce qui donnent envie, si on n'est pas du tout bricoleuse ou bricoleur, avec un peu d'outillage et de pièces détachées, de faire appel à une société de dépannage ou un artisan. Comme nous vous le rappelons dans le forum Litiges Travaux il est impératif de faire réaliser un devis écrit mentionnant le prix de l'intégralité de l'intervention avant que l'entreprise ne réalise la réparation ou les travaux nécessaires. Même si vous vous trouvez en situation d'urgence, prenez quand même le temps de demander plusieurs devis. C’est pour cela que fait appel à plombier a paris pas cher

I running in a green grass filed and there was this huge tall tree with big thick branches and lots of green leaves i was standing underneath it and i looked up to see the tree branches reach up to the sky and you can barley see the night sky i was thinking wow how beatyiful this tree is it must been around for a long time welll i was running from somthing that made me feel like i had to be careful so i saw my step dad who has passed away watering the grass and he was talking to me about something and i was helping him pick up the yard and i saw a baby tree laying on the floor with it roots out the ground and my dad said put it in the ground and it will grow up like the big tree over ther so i planted the baby tree and then some flaying bugs that were killer bees cross over with termites that when they stunk you . you died swarming around us and my dad was wetinging them and i ran to the big tree and grab a water hose and started spraying them in a circler motion apove my head and then i ran to my dad and he was still watering the grass and said the water kills them and i saw my baby tree that i plated little biger tilted out the grtound and my dad said it a goner and stop watering it and i yalled out and ran toward the baby tree and said no it still can be saved and i picked it up and the roots were alll stringand shreed it and i look up and saw a whole millions of bees/termites coming out the trunk of the tree and i started wetting the trunk and the leaves and they wer flying all around me and i wouldnt runaway i didnt care if i got stung and died i tryed my best to not get stunk and save the baby tree but i had to run to the big tree before they got to that one and killed the last one because if it dead that ment the tree was are onlything that was keeping our world alive becasue the everything around us was distroyed so i hurry up and grab the water hose turn the water high and started soaking the tunk of the tree and branches and flying over me were bees termites and i was spraying waterhose as much as i can and then i started climing the branches trying to reach as far to the top of the old tree to save as much as i can

Ok so Ive always have had vivid dreams, but this one is to much I need help so it started about a month ago. I dream I'm in the most perfect place in the world every one cares about me and treats me nice like I am important i had a house and a father figure and every thing and the most beautyfull girlfriend ever but every one has a face but no facial features or anything like eyes kinda like a blank so i live on my one in a nice house with a yard and flowers like a garden i don't remember much of what i did but i know i was happy so i go with the dream, it ends and i wake up for the next few days same dream but it advances to where i meet this girls parents (i don't know her name i just cant remember) and we have a blast but then when i wake up i feel happy and sad at the same time kinda torn so a while passes still advancing and i feel myself wanting to sleep more and more and every time i end up seeing her and i even long for her i even fall asleep in school and see her so its about 2/11/17 and I'm talking to her and say i love her and she feels the same way we kiss in my dream but when i wake up i feel extreamly happy and a weird feeling so now right before i fall asleep i actually subconsciously hug a pillow and kiss it and ask to visit her (i know that sounds weird but bare with me) so i heard a voice say always and i fall asleep and visit her but today 2/15/17 at around 10 pm i do the rutine but this time I'm not asleep I'm half asleep and half awake so i see her and her beautyfull black hair and she faces me and says she loves me but she has to go and she will return in 8 years at the heart of japan or the golden heart of japan and meet me at a skyscraper or atleast a large building with a triangular pyramid on another one kinda like the sims symbol but anyways so she says she will meet me there in 8 years and to do what i want to do and follow my dreams and to change my name to alex or alexander and she will be there waiting and so i asked how will i find her and she says i will know when i see her and then i ask for one last kiss and she says always and we kissed and then i woke up to find me gripping the pillow crying and sad. what does this mean is it someone who is connected to me some how is it a sign or a vision or is it a promise.

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