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Dreams quest

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Sleeping, and I woke up to go to the restroom on the balcony. The balcony was made from brick, and my neighbors could only see my head as I went to the restroom. I went outside afterwards, and an 11 year old, Monica, pulled into the driveway, and she assisted to take me for a ride. I asked how old she was, and she said 11. I told her to pull off before anyone got hurt. She said she would the next chance she got. On the road, there were cars in front of her that were wrecking into bicyclists. Monica, the 11 year old, started laughing. “Why are you laughing? Pull over before someone gets hurt.” She ran into a bicyclist on accident, and she pulled over. We left the car and went inside until help arrived. This woman came in to ask questions. She told me I looked like a good girl. She was defending me in a way. Then she gave me a hug and looked at my stomach as she said, “congratulations.” I went searching for Josiah to tell him I was pregnant. When I saw him in the car, he was smoking pot. I told him the news, and he asked me to come inside with the people he worked with. One worker asked if I had one wish, what would it be? I wished for a new life. Josiah took me upstairs, and he took me to his bed. After that, I walked home.

So me and my parents went to a place while entering through the gate all I know that my parents told me that whatever we are going to see is the devil's tower as I entered through the gate I felt a bad feeling and I felt that we shouldn't have come here and I told my parents too then they said don't worry it was a long ride in car soo maybe u got it then as we went further in the park or whatever it was We reached near the exit door with all other visitors and the guards opened the gate and closed it again without any question and they told us laughing we may go in here pointing a building Then we went as we entered all of us everyone who came to visit and they started serving food to everyone, almost all the visitors ate expect me and my parents as the people were eating I looked around to building in every Conner of the building there were guards then after eating everyone came and stood near the exit gate two guards came to open the with the key as they put the key in the gatehole they turned around and they eyes were red in color everybody frighten and turned the another way to run but the gurads in the Conner of the building was behind us they eyes were also red and all of was coming closer to us as we all we centred .Me out of nowhere started praying and praying as every one stared at me as I prayed loudly a circle of wind surrounded us and more as I praying with my closed eyes I was praying a tornado was formed we all (the visitors also) were in the middle of the tornado as I slowly stopped praying the tornado vanished and around us no one was no guard no one nothing expect the visitors the gate's key was fallen at the edge we took it and opened and went away from that place Please tell me the meaning of this

I saw that I graduated. The dream was all in sepia. I saw Abhishek, a classmate of mine when I was in 5th standard, in Varanasi. Now I'm in 9th, and it is weird to dream of him as I don't even think about him. Abhishek graduated too with me. I saw a ladder, I wanted to climb it, but I did not as I was amazed to see Abhishek and started talking with him. We did not talk much, however. I went on a machine, and I was informed that the machine was built by a man who graduated the first time in the world. His graduation was so great. My father told me that graduation is nothing but a kind of interview. All the difference between and interview is that in graduation, we have to make a presentation. M father said that examiner asks some question, and we have to answer it, and then make a presentation on the basis of the questions that were asked. Then I asked my father that why the man who graduated the first time is famous? He said that it was because his presentation was different, he was asked some different kinds of questions that are normally not being asked. But I said to my father, that this is not a good reason, why did examiners asked different questions to him only, not to any one else? There is nothing he did. Then I demanded again why the man who graduated first was famous? My father replied that it was because he committed suicide later. I was still confused, I couldn't understand why the man who graduated the first time was famous. Before I could get information a little more, I woke up.

Snow on the ground, I was walking y to someone's house, went up some icy stairs but I didn't slip at all, because I had my cleats on, I heard someone coming in front of me, so I laid in the snow so I wouldn't be seen, some teenagers were walking along the path below me, when some of them started to run towards me, I was worried, but they ran past me and attacked the person who had been walking down the stairs in front of me, someone said something about a bunch of year eights attacking someone for heroin, there was a flash of lightning and the kids ran away. I continued up the stairs and walked past a man in a white jacket, when he started shouting, so I ran and the path was icy, but I could run on it, because of my cleats, but he couldn't, I kept running straight until I had to turn left and run uphill where there was a house, a modern house with one floor and most of the walls were glass, there was a garden all around the house, so I sat back against a small conifer and hid the white on my shoes and waited, by this point out had started to rain heavily, and the man coming for me wasn't the same man, now he was walking slowly and wearing black, I knew this man wanted to kill me, although I had not seen him yet, I was terrified by this point, I saw a shadow beginning to emerge from the direction I had come, but to my relief about four cats walked out of the alley, so I took my chance and ran to the house hoping that she would hide me away, so I knocked and she answered, I hurriedly began to explain why I was knocking, and she let me in without asking any questions, I took my shoes off and went inside, I went and stood near to the back door behind a thin curtain and I knew he was very near, so I decided to lay down to the side, so that I could see when he passed and be hidden, the woman was further inside the house, looking anxious, when I looked and saw the man walking past slowly, but he showed no sign of knowing I was there, so I breathed out a big sigh of relief and turned to the woman, we were both overjoyed that he hadn't discovered me, so I thanked her for letting me in her house and said I would leave, so I went outside and put my shoes on and decided to wait for a while to be safe, when I saw a shadow coming back, I panicked and knocked on the door and opened it enough to speak into, I asked her if I could come back inside for a moment when I saw a cat walk out of the alley, so she laughed at me and asked if I was afraid of cats, but by then I knew that he was coming back, so I let myself in to get house again, and apologised to her, but I knew that he knew I was in the house, I could feel it she started panicking and shouting "He wants to kill you and...rape me!" So I told her to lock all of the doors, so she got the key, but couldn't put it into the lock, it was at this point that we realised that he was telepathic, so I took the key and was able to lock the doors, all the time , I could feel him coming closer and closer, then the woman pulled down her skirt, because the man made her do it and so I told her that I had to leave, because it wasn't fair to endanger her, I turned to leave, knowing that I would be facing death, this is when I woke up

I had this dream last night, i woke up three times and still went back to the same basic dream. I have been searching for an answer as to why this dream has stuck.. I rarely remember my dreams but this one, this one is different! To begin the main characters were me and this man who through various scenes in the dream i found we were madly in love, but this love was deep it was pure it left me speechless. It was once in a lifetime and i cant shake the feeling that is important. Anyways we were in love and towards the end we were planning to get married. And for some reason his eyes were dominant for the entire dream, they were blue. I had a picture of what he looked like, a basic image and although i called his name in the dream i was unable to recall it.. Its kinda strange i would try to remember his name in the dream but could only recall it at the end..by the way i have never seen this man or his face.. Im going to call him blue eyes.. The dream begins with a gloomy grey house, it was very large and me and Blue Eyes were there.. We were being chased by something i couldn't see and we began to fly to escape. I got stuck and somehow was unable to make myself rise higher in the sky, but then He saves me. Then the dream shifts and we are driving through my home town in a huge 18 wheeler and we come to a construction on a hill and being inpatient Blue eyes drives on the side of the hill, still in the Semi, and we are sideways on this hill and i was terrified and stuck to his side and he maneuvers the construction zone and misses all wholes and craters! Then the dream shifts and we arrive at this home that strangely resembles my Aunts old home but it was more lavish and larger.. I was thinking of a baby while we were walking the porch and we come to a swing in which my grandfather (papa henry) who is dead in real life, is sitting with a woman i don't recognize.. I ask my father who i am estranged with why he is here and he says its just what it is.. Following that a huge ball or dance is taking place in the house and a huge woman accuses me of messing up the music i walk to another room to discuss it with her and my mother, who i has never been constant in my life, shows up and defends me.. I walk away and go in search of my beloved all the while thinking of a baby.. I come to this room with just a chest in it and i open it to find something left for me by my dead grandfather, it was odd because it was a chest my grandmother on my moms side whom i was raised by, owned. I left with a piece of the gift and went back searching.. I came upon my mother and questioned her about the box and why i was never given it.. She gets angry and says she is leaving which is typical of her and i just wanted to leave. I head to the terrace on the roof and find my mother and her mother( the one who raised me) arguing and i ask have they seen ..... ( this the point in which i call his real name but i only have the lasting impression of his name).. My grandmother points to the side of the roof and he stands at the bottom arms crossed and with an angry face. She says he was threatening to turn my mom in for something ( she has a history of being in prison) and i new they were lying because anytime in real life they have always caused problems when it comes to me meeting new people and the ones i love.. I simply tell them to turn around an not look back because i was going to jump off the terrace into his arms which i somehow knew he would catch me, but also i was still capable of flying/floating.. I jump and land in his arms and i knew he was innocent and he was only trying to protect me then they( my mom and grandmother) come to the side of the terrace and ask how and i then let years f frustration out on them saying," this is typical of you, yall constantly do this and you would think you would learn.. Why cant you see that i am happy. Your just jealous and trying to ruin this.. If you want to be apart of my life, see us get married, have children then you will apologize to him and me.. You know how to reach me" then he kissed me and we left.. The dream ends with a sort of peaceful happiness and everything was as it should be.. Sorry for the length.. Thank you for your time. Im just looking for answers because this is a very personal dream and it has had a lasting impression all day..

I had a dream that I could transform into a tiger, and I got caught by my niebors. I would turn human and try to hop the fence, but was unable to. This happened many times. Then I got into one of thier cars and tried driving over the fence. I almost worked, and I tried getting over the fence with out succeeding. Then, I suppose I somehow got out, because I was a tiger running to this weird playground. There were hoops to run through and such. I transformed to human form and flew up to avoid the place. I used my hands to do so, and didn't get very high. Then I noticed I was being pursued by my friend Hayley. I tried to run the course, but couldn't get it right. Then she can't up to me and I quickly flew up. I was getting tired, and she called for our friend Greg to help her. I landed and started running to the end of the playground. I was very slow, and she was at her normal speed. Greg was only watching us, questioning if any of it was real. I tried flying again, but it didn't work. I finally got out and ran to my house. It was night, and my grandmother was pulling into the driveway. I hopped into the car and told her to drive me out of town, and I would walk back. She said she couldn't do that, and drove to the end of the street and turned around. We got out and it was pitch dark outside. I could see the big tree in the backyard swaying with the wind, and the stars were very bright. The street Gifts were all out and I ran inside. There was a giant jar of pocket change on the counter and I looked inside it and saw some gold. Then I looked out the window at the neighbors house (the ones who captured me) and they were watching me through thier window. After this, I woke up.

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