In my dream, I was at a party and I was drunk but I didn't remember drinking, and I was also really sad and crying. I was walking into a hallway and the lighting was like a dark red and a guy I know (and also have a crush in but he has a girlfriend ) saw me and said something to me but I don't remember what he said but I kept on walking and he said another thing and I turned around and he was face to face with me and his eyes were serious and I hugged him extremely tight and he pulled me into a bathroom and turned on the shower, and I was still crying and we started kissing and he started to take off my shirt and he stopped kissing me like he knew it was wrong but he also wanted to, but I kept on kissing him and I know we made love but I don't remember it, and the I was laying on a bed crying and he was gone and I was still at the party and I checked my phone and I had three messages from him and one was "I don't wanna hurt you" and during my entire dream I had a feeling of wanted to be loved. May 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream, I picked up my mail and talked to my neighbor. I entered the arched red front door of my house and sorted through the letters and envelopes and read one note or message. April 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was reading a will in the bank. we go into the dinning room to read the will. I had to move flower vases off the table. I then has advice from a person who was not there and the message in the will was a jigsaw and the pieces made the image of the fox. as a realised this water started flowing from the vases like a water fall. March 22, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in my Grandmother's caged yard and i recieved a text message from my ex- boyfriend saying where did you sleep and how did you sleep? February 01, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Received a text message from my ex saying sorry I forgot to say goodbye then had the emoticons for a dollar sign and a ring May 06, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that my boyfriend sent me a message telling me he was getting married to another girl and that our relationship is over April 11, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis