I was at a camp of some sort on the beach and we were getting horses out of a truck, all bays, and mounting them. Everyone galloped along the shore, and away but I was told to haul my horse up a cliff, and ride along the cliff edge. I climbed the cliff that was about 10ft, and attempted to hoist the horse up. I felt the rope slip from my hands and the horse fell to the ground with a shriek. I realized it was dead and panicked, looking for help. Another man was stood on the cliff with me, and I pushed him off. He was decapitated as he fell, and landed near the horse. I panicked and tried to escape, but was accused. I woke up before anything else happened.
My sister stabbed me in my skull, and I felt a pressure in my head and passed out, and then I woke up in a hospital and there was this annoying boy.
My ex boyfriend and I went through a haunted house but I felt safe with him.
My mom had kicked me out the house with my 1 year old son. This nice man I feel I love with took me in. All of a sudden we were locked up in a classroom and everyone was trying to kill me. Everyone had knives. I kept kissing me lover I never been so grateful to have him. I kept trying to escape the game where I had to kill other people or they would kill me . But when I did they called me the enimmie and they came after me. My lover was working on music for me at a desk. Everyone seemed to hate me but him. I felt trapped I didn't know where to hide. They kept finding me wanting to kill me
I felt my body die.
First a little girl came to my door asking for a safe place to stay until she could get someone to come get her saying that her mom was irate and she wanted to call her aunt and when her aunt got there her aunt told her her mom was watching her from across the street. The girl looked outside and her mom was out there and started chasing her and when the girl got to the steps the mom turned into a black flying object with piercing red eyes and when it tried to pass the steps it could not. When looking into the eyes I felt pain, hurt, fear, and sorrow.
I had a dream where I was kissing a girl outside and I felt really really good and I had a dream that this girl would message me all the time with these specific emojis
I felt my body die. i know what dying feels like
A strange man entered into my house and my door was locked. It was a deadbolt lock then as I approached the man he stood in corner with his back turned he never answered he wore a purple shirt and black pants he I felt sadness coming from him.
I was sick, probably the flu. My head kept spinning and I had a fever. Even though I felt like I was going to throw up, I was in my school. A reoccurring guy was everywhere I went. He was the only person that listened to me when I said I didn't feel good.