Dreamt of family members dying in an airplane accident
Dog dying again
I had a dream of my dead uncle that he came alive after dying
I had a dream that my daughter Annie who had just had a baby three days before got really really sick almost like she was dying and I couldn't understand why I was having this bad feeling. I was at work with her on my mind just about all day when I got off at 11:00 PM I got home my phone chimed there was a phone number I did not recognize, I pushed back so that the phone number would ring back to the number it came from my daughter answered the phone I said hi baby how are you, she said mom I'm in the hospital my blood pressure is (202 / 115) they thought I was in preeclampsia they thought I might have a stroke or heart attack or seizure so they admitted me In the hospital, how was it that I thought about my daughter being sick and waking up and this is what happened
Dying baby in my arms during birth
Wife dying falling in a black hole
My dog is dying
Nepheu dying
Partner dying
Sick and dying