Understand My Dreams

Dreams chair

I was at an old train stain like from WWII. I was alone. There was no music. I kept wandering aimlessly. I looked up and saw a friend of mine who had passed away 2 weeks ago. He looked s solid as a regular person. His arms were out he voiced "Hug me!". I ran to hug him. As soon as I got near him he vanished. Faded away like smoke. It happened again and again. I started to get upset and confused. I looked behind me to see and old steam train. It was empty. I entered the train and sat down at a table with 2 chairs either side.A member of staff in a blue uniform came and gave me tea. The uniform looked like a blue jumpsuit. My friend joined me sitting across from me. This time he had a hospital gown on with a brown leather jacket over it. He asked me how I was. I replied " I'm okay. I just can't believe you're gone." To which he said, " I'm not really gone. I'm still here." He got up and went back out onto the platform. I followed behind him. He was in his regular clothes again.I saw across from us was his mum, sisters, and grandfather. They were all wearing black. Like they'd just gone to a funeral. His sisters had black mascara running down their faces.My friend went over and hugged them. His family just walked off the station like nothing had happened. Then his best friend showed up. They we interacting like he'd never passed. Skateboarding; joking around, etc. I went up to his friend and said "You know he's not really there right?" to which he said "I know but that doensn't mean we can't be happy for him." I woke up crying my eyes out. The dream was so real. It felt like I was really there.

I've been having lots of random nightmares for a while. Random dreams that scare me, all different themes but they all have an impending doom, and id wake up in fear, sweating, heart racing just at the point of the impending doom. However last night was different... I dreamed that some of my friends turned into zombies. Its not clear who they were but i knew they were friends or people known to me. At the start my boyfriend (Steve) and I were running away from them, we came across a small room full of upturned furniture and lots of wooden chairs, we hid in this room until one zombie found us. It was clawing through the furniture trying to get us, there was just one chair between Steve and the zombie was so close to clawing away at his face when i jumped out from my hiding place and attacked the zombie from behind and he changed back. So we went after the others, fought of they're attack and changed them back, we fought the last one together, changed him back and as he slumped to the floor i woke up!! Im feeling exhausted today! Please interpret this for me?..... Helena

In this dream I start off talking to some friends in my living room at my house. We are all sitting around in chairs and chatting, but all the faces of my companions are blurred out, but I get the feeling that I know them all. My phone vibrates and I turn my attention too it. I look up and I’m in a car driving, and then I’m at a friends house. My friend comes outside and I hug and give them a kiss, then their parent/s? (It was one person but changed between the mother and father) came outside and began to yell at us for sneaking out, and then I woke up.

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